"We had a nervous dinner and drove around the rest of the night. She said yes!

I hopped into my truck, the nervousness was long gone now. My phone began blowing up with congratulations from my closest friends.
For once in my life i can honestly say i was happy.
I started my truck, threw it in first and took off home. It was about midnight now and all the streetlights were 4 way stops. I however, didnt stop at any of them. I had the music turned up, feeling great, singing along to Fall Out Boy. Life was good
(Dont hate, you know FOB is baller)
I got home shortly after 12:15, Tip toed through the house trying not to wake anyone, and crashed in my bed. Drifting off to sleep shortly after.
Wednesday morning i woke at 8:15 AM to a text message, I had left my phone on all night.
From : Ashley
Good morning baby. Daves bringing my car up to you guys today. It wouldnt start for some reason this morning :[ Either way you might see me sometime today. Have a good day!
That damn tease. I "Might" see her. She knew damn well i wanted to and she did as well. Either way that was a good enough reason for me to get excited. I was in high spirits all day working.
Around noon Dave had brought her car up and dropped it off. "It started fine for me... she was trying to tell me how it didnt start it was making a sort of ERRRRRK ERRRRRRK noise... " he chuckled.
We had a laugh and his wife picked him up. I ran test after test on this car and nothing was wrong. Absolutely nothing.
Ah well. i figured if it might do something later on that day so i left it be.
3 pm rolls around and Dave is back. This time with Ashley. My heart jumped when i saw her walk through the door. I dropped everything i was doing and went and saw her.
"So what did i fuck up this time?" She gave me a warm smile "Dave said you laughed when he told you what i told him." My eyes turned to Dave who was chuckling to himself.
"Oh ha ha Dave" The sarcasm showed "I dont even know why you drive trucks for a living, you fucking comedian" He broke out laughing. I turned my gaze back to Ashley who i had unconsciously wrapped my arm around while making my wise ass remark to her stepfather. It was as if time had stopped. I finally got a good look into her eyes. They were a deep hazel in the middle which starbursted out and turned green around the edges. I was stunned. The more i saw of this girl the more i fell in love with.
Did i just say love?
Oh god i did. Was i in love? I think i might be. After 1 date, i might add. This could either work really good or scare her away....
Dave had finished shooting the breeze with Dad and was making his way out, Me and Ashley were frozen in time staring into each others eyes, but were quickly brought back to reality when Dave told her its time to go.
We both leaned in for another kiss. Out of the corner of my eye i saw her eyes dart behind me, Tommy and Dad had leaned in to see it. Behind her Dave was watching intently as well. We both chickened out and hugged each other with a quick peck on the cheek. I heard a collective letdown sign run through everyones head.
She began to walk out and stopped Dave.
"Do you think you could come pick me up, i have college tonight" Everyone had returned to work except me.
"Ah damn thats right. Your mom could probably do it. But itll be 10 and i dont think shell be too happy about that" Dave said with a bit of disapproval in his voice.
This is it! Another one of those moments!
I quickly walked out
"If your mom doesnt want to, then ill gladly do it" They had both turned around, All eyes on me. "I... dont mind at all"
They both looked at each other.
"I guess that could work" Dave said, turning towards his car.
"Be at Baker at 10. i should be outside by then" Ashley said, giving me another smile. I smiled back. We hugged again and she was off.
Over the course of the day we had texted back and forth. It was finally quitting time and we all said our goodbyes and headed for our respective homes.
Shortly after getting home and showering i realized... I have no idea where this college is. Damn.
To mapquest!
I plotted out a course. Get on the expressway, double back, loop-the-loop then do a barrel roll and continue on.
"Orrrrrr..." i said to myself "I could just do this" And i dragged the route into an L shape. "Hmm... not as hard as i thought. Take that mapquest!"
I burned the time away with Starcraft. Toyed around on a couple team games. Talked a bit with Tommy until about quarter after 9 and abruptly left again.
I found the road to turn onto and continued on my way. Feeling more and more lost the further i went. Why the hell have i never been on this side of town before? I always loved driving around but somehow i have never been here. How strange.
Shortly after the only turn i needed to make i recieved a text
From : Ashley
Hey baby i just got out early! When you turn into the parking lot head for the building with the clock tower and ill meet you there
I replied, using my knee to steer ;
"Alright i should be there in 5" As i saw the big red sign manifest in the distance : Baker College.
I turned in and was subsequently cut off multiple times by college students trying to beat the rush out of the one lane exit to the road. Having trouble finding this clock tower she spoke of because it wasnt much of a tower. It was more of a clock on the side of a building with a roof over it. Giving it the facade of being a tower. Could have fooled me.
I pulled up to the curb and honked at her. She had walked over to the window, i rolled it down.
"Hey im looking for a good time" I pulled a handful of dollars out of my pocket. She pretended to be offended.
"Just let me in you ass" She said giggling as i reached over and unlocked the door. We both shared a laugh and hugged.
"So how was your day?" I began the conversation and filed into the line of college students hoping to get out of the parking lot sometime before midnight.
She had told me her day was good, how much she hated her professor for how boring she was and how she drones on and on about stupid things. I gave my input and she continued to tell me about her day. We were about halfway to her house.
She laid her head on my chest and closed her eyes.
"Yeah and my mom says ive got you wrapped around my finger already" She said almost embarrassed. I laughed. "She was like "Its only been one date and hes already picking you up from school? Jeez what did you do to him?"" we laughed harder.
We had arrived at her place again. I walked her up to her doorstep. Actually catching her hand this time. and with alot more confidence.
We stopped before her door. "Well thanks for picking me up tonight. It means alot." She hugged me tightly.
"No problem at all baby." I returned the hug. "Nervous tonight?" She looked up with her big beautiful eyes
"No so much tonight." She smiled and grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me in for a kiss.
To be continued