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Awesome FUCK YEAH! moment! :D
+ Show Spoiler [ Big FFFFUUUU Moment] +
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![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/yznzn.jpg)
Stupid reaver T_T
Yay, I finally hit 2000 posts! I thought I would share some goodness of sorts to commemorate my 1/5'thness of the way to carrierhood.
I have a double battle report, two games that I am fairly proud of (well, one not so much) that I think show a pretty decent progression in my PvZ skillzzzz (no arbitersssssss, unfortunately). Anyways, two games coming from the D level:
PurgeXenos (P) vs f3n1x22 (Z)
Game 1
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/bUr8b.jpg)
PurgeXenos warps in as the Purple Protoss in top right
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f3n1x22 spawns as the Yellow Zerg in bottom left
+ Show Spoiler [Rest of Game] +
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/ZdavM.jpg)
There's a reason I'm not in Urban Planning lol :/
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/2kAT0.jpg)
gettin your third running is a good skill toi have xD
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clumping your overlords together...
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/Qeyq5.jpg)
... is a good skill toi have lol
At this point I am way ahead (I know after watching the replay), but played way way to passively and forgot to take a fourth

![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/NbV0f.jpg)
God I love storming Hydra, everything about it is just so enjoyable! :D
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How to lose a full control group of zealots lol

After this the game was fully in Zerg's favour, after losing both my fourth and fifth to cows

![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/7rDyX.jpg)
Last resistance
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/heO6H.jpg)
I tap out, the map was pretty much mined out- I thought it was an intense game, but after watching the rep I realized how many mistakes I made. I was way way ahead in supply in the mid game, but was never bold enough to move out. At basically any time I could have eliminated 9 O'clock, oh well. Better luck next time right?
Which leads to...
Game 2
What luck, I meet the same guy a day later. A day filled with watching pro PvZ's and for some reason hitting pretty much only Zergs on the ladder. So the countdown finishes, the crystal screen flashes, and the game begins...
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/QC1kP.jpg)
... with Zerg in top right,
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/dushe.jpg)
and yours truly in bottom left
+ Show Spoiler [Rest of Game] +
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9pool with extractor trick :O
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Slightly better wall in this time lol

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Game doesn't start too well, losing my first two corsairs T_T
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100% of Artosis' agree that this is the most balanced unit :D
So I wasn't feeling the greatest after losing both corsairs, however I got a few kills with the DT and shut down his fourth for a while. All in all, things were looking pretty good.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/Cwna7.jpg)
Ninja Zealot task force, taking out Zerg's fourth :D
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Hive up, Defiler Mound starting -_-;
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I still don't know why the hell I expanded there lol, whatevs- my fourth is up!
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/EzTPU.jpg)
Greater Spire, oh really now :/
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Taking care of some unfinished business, killing off some pesky vermin.
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Oh, shit...
I guess it was kinda fortuitous that I expanded there, because it gave me plenty of warning to prepare my forces.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/ObIyT.jpg)
Guardians still manage to ravage my third, while I'm out taking out his third. I feel pretty confident about this, because I think I have a significant unit advantage.
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19 Kill Guardian T_T
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I decide to go for the throat, attacking his main after cleaning up the Guardians. After killing (read: mass storming) a Hydra/Ling force attacking my main he taps out.
Boom, fist pump!! gg baby
I felt good after this win, because I fixed a few problems with my PvZ- namely being way to passive. Looking through the second game though, I know I still have lots of room for improvement

With that all said and done I'm gonna move on to some shoutouts!
- To Blizzard, for making Broodwar
- To the TL.net staff, for maintaining such an awesome website
- To anyone who has edited Liquipedia, especially the Protoss strategy section! I can't thank you guys enough :D
- To Ver, for writing the awesome guide on how to improve
- To any pro whose replay or game I have watched, and used to improve. Namely: JangBi, Kal, Bisu, Stork, iNfeRnaL, and IefNaij.
- To Day[9] for helping me improve with an awesome show!
- To Day[9] (once again), Chill, djWHEAT, Tasteless, and Artosis for making SC2 interesting.
- To the State of the Game crew, for once again making SC2 interesting, and providing solid entertainment and insight every week.
- To any streamers who stream BW, especially NrG.God, Grobyc, Xsebt, and all the other regular SPL/OSL/MSL guys (sorry I forgot your names xD).
- To Hwaseung Oz, for being the most bad ass team (even though they're doing terrible lol
). I set up a Facebook page (I will work on continually updating it, and providing announcements) that I think everyone should follow, show some support through these dark times! :D
- Edit: Forgot a very important shoutout to the folks at iCCup: Thank you so much for running an awesome ladder! What would we do without you guys?
That's all that's on the top of my head folks. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas season, and have a wonderful New Year!
It's been a great ride so far!