Also, this is just the first part. I figured I'd split them (15+15 shows) since it takes a lot of time plus the post gets pretty huge otherwise.
Queen's Blade: Gyokuza wo Tsugu Mono (Queen's Blade: Heir to the Throne)
[Episodes:0.5/12] [Adapted from: Boobs] [Sequel]
I felt the resistance in my whole body while I clicked on the download link for the sequel of Queen's Blade. I didn't even manage to finish the last one, and I've put up with a lot of BAD shows until the end. Throw everything you got at me. Ikkitousen? I even enjoyed that! This is far worse. I stopped halfway through the first episode. Nothing has changed. The tournament - Queen's Blade itself - hasn't even started yet (and I'm not excited about it). There's a lot of useless chatter while the 'camera' focuses on the arousing body-parts, boobs and ass. I like some types of hentai, but I'm seriously disgusted by this. The whole concept is embarrassing and meaningless.
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A Certain Scientific Railgun (To Aru Kagaku no Choudenjibou)
[Episodes:2/26?] [Adapted from: Card Trading Game] [Spin-off/Side Story]
Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko are students
in the University district of Academy City. Many of the students has certain superpowers, and the school seem to be helping them develop these. Misaka has one of the strongest abilities in the city, a level 5. While the main genre seems to be comedy with ecchi-tendencies judging by the first two episodes, I was told that it's going to get darker as the story comes along. While the original Index anime felt very messy even from the start, I'm hoping the directing will be at least a bit more structured in this one. I have no idea as to why so many people are hyped up over this but I'm sure it'll be great.
No, I'm just kidding. Judging by the two first episodes it might become a decent laugh-at-stupid-jokes-and-characters type of anime - but the starting episodes build in no way up any excitement for the action to come. I have a feeling I'll get as severely disappointed as I was with Index. At least we get Misaka as main character for a whole show as a compensation for this potential failure!
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Asura Cryin' 2
[Episodes:1/13] [Adapted from: Novel] [Sequel]
The first season had an uneven pace and a tedious story. I only got halfway through it so it's almost on par with Queen's Blade. Asura Cryin' 2 continues relentlessly without any reintroduction or slowdown of pace so you probably shouldn't try it if you didn't get through the first one. Well, you probably shouldn't try it in any case because if you enjoyed Asura Cryin' you have pretty bad tastes. They chase a strange Koala the whole first episode. The jokes are still unfunny, the moments that should be exciting aren't exciting at all and everything feels so... immature. I know this sounded pretty harsh but I honestly doesn't see any enticing element in Asura Cryin'.
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Fairy Tail
[Episodes:1/?] [Adapted from: Manga]
A bad One Piece clone with wizards instead of pirates. The characters are almost identical and the art also reminds me of it. Sure, it started energetic and it was easy to follow so I don't want to be overly negative. One Piece isn't really much better.
I'm pretty much sick of these adventure-shounen without substance so my opinion on this might be slightly skewed. In short: don't watch it if you hate One Piece or similar anime. Yet if you like the genre you should definitely give this a chance!
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Letter Bee (Tegami Bachi)
[Episodes:2/?] [Adapted from: Manga]
Never having heard of this before, this was an extremely pleasant surprise. Gauche is a man working with letter delivery. He prioritizes delivering the letter to its destination before anything else. One of the letters he is supposed to deliver is in fact a human boy. There is a lot more factors added to the plot than this but I won't take it into too much detail. The atmosphere is quite nice with big blue landscapes in a peculiar fantasy world. I'm not sure if it's because Gauche is voiced by the same V.A as Lawrence from Spice & Wolf (Jun Fukuyama) but the mood and the slow, soft pace is similar to mentioned show - and a lot of 'traveling' anime overall. Maybe I'm surprised over the characters having personalities in comparison with 90% of the shows this season. But even judging the show without comparison I'm impressed of how such a simple story can be created so captivating. If Letter Bee continue like this, it'll easily become one of the best shows this season.
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Tatakau Shisho: Book of Bantorra (Armed Librarians - Book of Bantorra)
[Episodes:2/26] [Adapted from: Manga]
This anime starts relatively promising, as a guild of librarians (The Armed Librarians) are attacking The Church of Drowning. The story seems to be about these two factions clashing together. The Church make humans into walking bombs, called Meats, to help their cause. The books doesn't seem to be what we in our world call books, more like memories. While sounding pretty confusing, the story is being built quite well and excitingly. Not a bad start at all, action-packed yet not much is revealed. It's difficult to know what kind of direction it'll take.
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Nyan Koi!
[Episodes:3/12] [Adapted from: Manga]
Junpei Kousaka hates cats, he also has an allergy to them. The girl he has a crush on happens to like them a lot. His family has a cat and everyone surrounding him seems to love them. By mistake he kicks a can into a shrine resembling a cat, decapitating it in process. He is now cursed and has to help the cats against his will or he'll end up as one. I didn't expect much from Nyan Koi! but it just so happens that this show is hilarious. It's nothing creative, just a high school comedy done right. Not too much fan-service or other disturbances. It seems like it's going in an harem direction however, but since it's just 12 episodes I believe it'll be easy to finish without growing bored of Nyan Koi!
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[Episodes:2/24] [Adapted from: Manga]
Kobato is some sort of female alien, coming to earth with her (angry) stuffed plush doll. She has to heal people's hearts to fill a bottle of her that grants any wish. In one way, it seems to be directed toward the younger audience but even so it's mature if you look beyond the surface. Kobato doesn't know anything about the world of the humans so she does a lot of stupid things even though she always means well. It's not unique in any way but I feel that the execution is better than usual. The music, animation and dialogue is helping the theme and makes it feel a lot more touching than it 'should' be. I didn't expect it from such a childish anime. In spite of all, it is a heartwarming show about the mysteries of everyday life. Reminds me a lot of Full Moon wo Sagashite.
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[Episodes:2/12] [Adapted from: Novel]
So uh... There is this guy, Senou Natsuru who suddenly turns into a girl. His magic plush doll with intestines hanging out of his belly explains that only females can become Kämpfers, all Kämpfers must fight in a big 3v3 and slaughter eachother. They will know their enemy by the color of her bracelet. The story is silly and the comedy is mostly composed by perverted jokes. I wouldn't mind the plot being silly if it wasn't for that the rest of the anime turns out like a normal high school romance. Crazy and fun, but essentially bad. Really bad. I can't rate it too low however, because I actually smiled at some parts.
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White Album Second Season
[Episodes:1/13] [Adapted from: Eroge] [Sequel]
Doesn't seem to be a show you just can jump into without watching the first season. I did it anyway and my impression is that this is a sentimental and sad love-story, but a lot more about family and friends than normal harem shows. It seems more like a drama to me. The story is revolving around a couple of idol singers and the managers. It seems like a decent show and I might watch the first season to get a better impression.
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Miracle Train - Ouedo-sen e Youkoso
[Episodes:0/12] [Adapted from: Nothing?] [Spinoff/Side Story]
This is some kind of shoujo where gentlemen who are train stations help women in need. Troubled girls find their way onto the Miracle Train by fate. It also seems to add in random knowledge about different subway stations. Don't watch this if you're not a 12 year old girl. Nothing more to add...
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The Sacred Blacksmith
[Episodes:2/12] [Adapted from: Novel]
Cecily Campbell is a knight in this medieval city. She is still young and inexperienced and almost dies in her first fight. However, a brave and mysterious blacksmith called Luke saves her life. Cecily, Luke and his little elf servant Lisa and Aria begin their adventure together, but not without quarrel. The atmosphere is very cliché and you can seriously guess almost every line in the dialogue. I really dislike shows that put absolutely no effort into the dialogue. Someone who hasn't seen very many shows probably won't be that frustrated by this pattern, but I am. All in all, it is a mediocre show which doesn't leave much of an impression. If you compare it with previous season reviews, I'd guess it'd be similar to Tears of Tiara. Both shows make me feel as if I'm playing a generic Korean MMORPG.
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Kimi ni Todoke
[Episodes:2/?] [Adapted from: Manga]
Those who have seen and liked Honey & Clover might feel comfortable watching this anime. Being made by Production I.G, the art is similar and it carries the same soft and pleasant mood. Comparison stops there however. Kimi ni Todoke is about an innocent and kind high school girl who is always misunderstood because of her looks - Sawako Kuronuma. She looks like the girl in 'The Ring' (or Inori from Hyakko anyone?). She's in love with a refreshing young male, but doesn't know how to approach him without being scary.
As you can read from the plot it's a very cute love-story with a lot of innocent humor. I dislike the facial expressions made to lighten the mood in embarrassing or difficult situations however.
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Tentai Senshi Sunred 2 (Astro Fighter Sunred 2)
[Episodes:1/26] [Adapted from: Manga] [Sequel]
This is a short - 13 minute per episode - anime. It is a parody about the battle between good and evil. In this story, the bad guys who plan world domination are very meek and cowardly while the superheroes are normal bad tempered men with flaws. Pretty fun sketch-like progression. The art is different, with thick lines and clear colors. Not very 'anime-like' but worth a watch if you have some time to kill.
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Seitokai no Ichizon
[Episodes:2/13] [Adapted from: Novel]
A high-school student council composed of four girls and one boy. High paced discussions about everything! Well, mainly parody, comedy and references regarding the otaku-culture. The KyoAni lovers here will probably like this. We have a cute little klutz as president, a perverted eroge-loving male character, a yandere, a tsundere and an innocent little RPG loving girl. While talking about parody, it's more like Seitokai is flirting with the other shows, there is no underlying criticism here really. A nice choice if your power level is very high and you love reference comedy! I thought it was OK, but nothing extremely hilarious.
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Inuyasha: Kanketsu hen (Inuyasha: Final Act)
[Episodes:1/26] [Adapted from: Manga] [Sequel]
To be honest I've avoided the original Inuyasha like the plague even though I have no idea what it's about. I only know it has a reputation for being liked by Yaoi-fangirls. Suffering from the same fate as many other endless shows, there is a lot of characters and useless chatter. The surroundings mix between a normal world and some kind of feudal Japan demon world that they seem to fight in. And there's a lot of fights. All I gathered from this was that some heart was to be destroyed and jewels to be gathered. In any case, I don't regret missing out on InuYasha and I'll definitely not keep following this one.
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The next batch will contain these:
Yumeiro Pâtissiére, Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzuu, Shin Koihime†Musou, Natsu no Arashi - Haru, Natsu Fuyu Uchi, Sora no Otoshimono, Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu: Purezza, 11eyes, Sasameki Koto, Darker Than Black: Ryusei no Gemini, Gokyoudai Monogatari, Blue Literature, Thriller Restaurant, Trapeze, Kiddy Girl-and, Winter Sonata and maybe Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
I'll try finish it within a week.