This is the whole game, i will update the op when we finish.
1. e4..e5 2. f4..Bc5 3. Nf3..d6 4. Bc4..
4. ..Nc6 5. Nc3..Bg4 6. d3..Nd4 7. h4..h5
8. f5..c6 9 a3..d5 10 Ba2..Be7 11 Bg5..Bxg5 12 hxg5..Bxf3 13 gXf3
On August 11 2009 16:48 coltrane wrote:
13...Qxg5 14. Kf2..h4 15. Rg1..Qh6 16. Ne2..h3 17. Nxd4
17. ..exd4 18. Rh1..Nf6 19. Rh2
Awesome to see that this is still going!
I check the forum everyday, so is not so hard to keep this running. And play like this is a very good exercise, as you have something like unlimited time to play you usually play against the best posible play, one mistake leads you to a very hard situation. I think h2 was much better than Nf6 the last play, i was specting for h2 actually and alredy had some continuations, but this took me a little for surprise, since i dont know what could benjammin play now, but i think i got in a very good shape after having a hard time, unless there is something that i havent seen yet with that knight, or maybe he just wants to castle and connect towers...
i could be smart and say "maybe i went Nf6 because i thought you would be expecting me to h2!" but i might have just made a mistake there
Canada8028 Posts
Things are looking pretty bad for white. Even though the material is roughly even, white has a bad bishop and a rook that has not yet been mobilized. On top of that, the king is under attack, and the g pawn is effectively lost. Black's passed pawn on the h file is also pretty powerful at this point.
On August 14 2009 06:41 Spazer wrote: Things are looking pretty bad for white. Even though the material is roughly even, white has a bad bishop and a rook that has not yet been mobilized. On top of that, the king is under attack, and the g pawn is effectively lost. Black's passed pawn on the h file is also pretty powerful at this point. You are right!
23. Rh1
New diagram:
I will edit the op
Did I miss something or did White's bishop disappear.
XD you are right, i forgot it... edited.
I'd say ...Ng4, although ...Nh5 works too