amagad this was painful to read. Stay sharp and try to get D+ in life User was warned for this post
Edit: Gosh I didn't realize I would come off as an ignorant bastard. When I said painful to read I meant that I felt for you alot because out of own experience I can relate a little.
The "try to get D+" was supposed to sound lighthearted and cheerful and in my brain it did. It came out as crap and I'm sorry ~.~
So to clarify I really hope things shape up for you and those cops where asholes
On July 28 2009 18:34 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: register a complaint with the police office about the officer pressuring you about signing the release form for the search
they aren't supposed to be doing that, it's a fucked up thing to do to a nervous 19 year old who doesn't own the house
honestly this is pretty much a waste of time, and it might make matters worse.
Although next time try to calm yourself and refuse to sign it, they cannot get a search warrant based off of "people enter and exit the house frequently" and they can't bring in swat unless you barricade your house after they manage to obtain a search warrant.
if they want to go get a warrant they're gonna do so, it won't affect the outcome either way and so no fek has nothing to worry about either way it's just unacceptable conduct for a cop to be so aggressive about signing a search release. be courteous, let them do their jobs, but police officers ought to be held to a higher standard than the rest of us, and that seems to be forgotten these days.
they can't FORCE you to sign the release, there's a reason search warrants exist. they're a necessary thing in a lot of cases, but berating an already-nervewracked 19 year old that he's "not a kid and doesn't need his mommy's permission to sign" is tooooootally unacceptable for that guy's job
i mean i'm not saying it will accomplish anything, but 99% of instances of meathead cops (who are a minority on my experience, but there's certainly a lot of them these days) being unnecessarily rude or aggressive toward people go without a complaint registered because people think it won't accomplish anything
if that mentality changes, maybe it will, who knows
United States, the freest country in the world. For next time buy a silenced gun and a big bottle of lye. I'll PM you on how to dispose of bodies properly.
My night was absolutely nothing like your night except for the fact that I couldn't get to sleep. I was tossing and turning for about one to two hours before I got to sleep, and now it is the morning, and I am terribly tired. But, in your case, really sorry to hear it. Sucks that the police came and ruined your night, especially for something that had nothing to do with you, and wasn't your fault in the slightest.
On July 28 2009 19:19 scyper wrote: Wow. I read this whole thing. The entire time, the back of my head makes me think these cops are fake. They seem REALLY eager to search your house. Their attitude is total shit and really no way for an adult like them to act. I'm so paranoid LOL. I would have thought these guys are fake cops and just faking everything to search the place and steal some small expensive items into their pockets. o___O
But really, the one who was all "I don't want to talk to your mom. You're an adult. Just stop making us wait" is real shit. You should complain about him.
I noticed the same thing. I guess USA is just one fucked up place, if cops really behave like that. And that war on drugs thing is just so stupid shit. It´s like nobodys really winning except the criminals.
The cops probably got a good laugh later at the police station. "Yea bro, this fuckin skinny ass 19 year old was going on and on about this blizzcon bullshit trying to explain his drug money. We're gonna go fuck his shit up with a warrant in a few days."
But seriously, I wouldn't worry too much. It's all over and I think if anything does happen in the future it's just going to be with your sister. You're not in any risk of going to jail IMO.
As soon as that cop started saying "you don't need your mommy to give you permission, you're a man" you should have just told them to leave. It doesn't make you suspicious if you tell a cop who is being rude to go away. Cops with a permit are going to throw crap around as much as they would without a permit if you give them permission to search. If people think they can push you around (cops or not) they will. I'm not saying you have to be machoman when you tell them to leave, but even if you stutter out "I'm not going to help you if you talk to me like this" that's enough.
On July 28 2009 20:39 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: i mean i'm not saying it will accomplish anything, but 99% of instances of meathead cops (who are a minority on my experience, but there's certainly a lot of them these days) being unnecessarily rude or aggressive toward people go without a complaint registered because people think it won't accomplish anything
if that mentality changes, maybe it will, who knows
I think it would void the evidence if you could prove in a court of law that he signed the contract thinking he didn't have a choice or that he felt in danger if he didn't. That would at least get the cop a slap on the wrist at work... maybe. I dunno what goes on behind the blue curtain
sorta same thing happened to a friend of mine. His crazy ex has a cop for a dad and had 3 units report to his house because they "heard screaming". while they were searching the place, they kept leaning to open the safe (which contained a large amount of illegal and unregistered weapons). of course his dad kept denying the officer without saying they needed a warrant. damn close call
On July 28 2009 20:26 Patriot.dlk wrote: amagad this was painful to read. Stay sharp and try to get D+ in life User was warned for this post
Edit: Gosh I didn't realize I would come off as an ignorant bastard. When I said painful to read I meant that I felt for you alot because out of own experience I can relate a little.
The "try to get D+" was supposed to sound lighthearted and cheerful and in my brain it did. It came out as crap and I'm sorry ~.~
So to clarify I really hope things shape up for you and those cops where asholes
Woah, TL warns posters now? o.O
And you didn't come off as an ignorant bastard, I took the comments as such, and they even made me laugh.
As a mini-update, I guess - I finally fell asleep at around 8-9am this morning, after several attempts to do so. I had a good attempt going at around 5 in the morning, when I heard sirens, and the cops had stopped a car across the street (over my complex wall), with their lights still going, so I was a bit on edge about that, but the street I live on always had cops stopping people, and it was just me being needlessly worried.
Haven't had any other visits (though this is around the time they stopped by last night, so I'm going to be on edge anyway), nor have I heard anything. So I'll probably be a bit antsy the next few days until I'm sure nothing else is coming of this. And all this has made me decide that it's not a good idea to keep a large amount of money around (not all that large), so I'll be buying my camera this week.
I'm really hoping we don't hear anything more from the police, and can relax.
im pretty sure i read this story somewhere...
either that or it's a really friggin clear dejavu...
With the first line are you trying to imply that I copy pasted this from some where, and am attempting to pass it off as my own? Because I can assure you that it's entirely my own writing of the events that happened to me last night.
Just learn the law. When authority figures try to bully you like they did, just have some lines from the law memorized, like how they need a search warrant to get into your house. You don't have to let them in and would they really bring a swat team just because you refused to let them in without a warrant? It is your right to refuse them entry into your private property.
If they don't have a warrant don't let them in the door, once there in your house they can basically do whatever the fuck they want. If they come again w/o a warrant when you step outside close and lock the door behind you.