Just learned today that Hollywood Video is having a sale on games $30 and below for $5. I went to several location and end up with 10 games.
360: Mirror's Edge Eternal Sonata Far Cry 2 Gears of War NHL'08 FIFA '08 Command & Conquer 3 Supreme Commander Universe at War
wii: Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros Treasure.
If you live near Hollywood Video and you want decent games for cheap, now is a good time to get them.
EDIT: Was going out and went to another store that was on the way. Picked up:
Ninja Gaiden 2 Dead Space Grid Ace Combat 6 Battlefield: Bad Company The Darkness Golden Axe: Beast rider
rts's.... on a console....x3.... wait, you could surely make money selling these on ebay or whatever. BUY BUY BUY
Actual Hollywood Video locations, or the GameCrazy counter parts? :o
They did this in 07, for the most part I believe its just stores that are closing. Could just be regional im not sure. I dont think there are any around ohio usa anymore.
This was for every store that I went to. I think it is just a clearance to get rid of old games. Yes, this is nationwide. People from other states were the ones that told me about it.