So I was browsing through my folders here and there in my HD, and found some reasonably great quality (video quality) VOD's of War3 VODs (Korean COmmentating), and I definitely find watching War3 games much more entertaining than SC VODs (sue me.)
But the VODs i found were fairly old (late 2008), so I wanted to find more of recent games, with fairly good quality, with korean commentating ('cause I'm Korean lol).
Anybody know where to find/download recent VOD's of the sort? I know War3 doesn't have a great scene in Korea but you know, if there is any, link me?
Singapore66066 Posts
I only have the 2008 IEF VODs, don't think they are making any more new VODs of Warcraft 3. Really miss it though.
Sweden33719 Posts
If you are trying to learn the game you absolutely need to watch REPLAYS with auto-camera and 0.5 speed.
Isn't there a korean commentary on the gwi? There are some quallity games there.
And i dunno how long ago there came to be such balance between the races, but i was personally surprised that there was a fairly even distribution in the brackets of that tournament, without too big skill gaps. Maybe you will be too. I was under the impression that ne once dominated, and what was it, orc who sucked? Druids of the talon imba, wasn't it? I think they finally have some new maps too. I'm really going out on a limb though....