Hello. This is going to be a blog about me talking about how much drugs I've done(especially the mary jane), but, please note that it's not anything to brag about,so, don't judge. I just felt like typing this out, like, an auto-biography...and also, think to yourself if something is wrong with me maybe, would be interesting to know ;D
Welcome! Anyways, getting to what I was going to talk about, about a year or so, around this time I started to habitually smoke Marijuana(aka WEEED!!), and, about a year and 2 months ago I smoked weed for the first time, so I've only been smoking for a year and 2 months XD!
Okay, well, I smoked my first time at a party, cigarettes and weed, at 17. I was an extremely shy band nerd at a party, interested in what they were putting in a pipe. I had no idea what it was but I breathed it in and fell in love. Cigarettes suck, but, yeah, I tried weed. I got so crazy about it, I would tell my friends at the lunch table like "Dude, we need to try that salady stuff again"
But, they didn't want to get caught/were scared of dying, so, I had to do some charming and some convincing here and there and I got 2 of my friends on my weed side. 3 days after that party, we already had another fist-full of green stuff, wrapped in paper I had never seen before.
We didn't know what the hell we were doing..we were all scared as hell when we went to go buy them. We didn't even know that, here in the Valley, drugs have been a part of everyones life for years. Little did we know...
Well, after that second time, another party happened. This time, though, it was two weeks after the first one, and, I stayed sober for it. When it happened, though, there wasn't any weed. Disappointment all around. I wanted to try it a third time, but, I had a problem. I was extremely naive. I didn't even know weed existed prior to the first time I tried it. I didn't know it looked like that, actually. I thought people would smoke just the leaves, but, I never knew that people enjoy smoking the buds and stuff..
Well, anyways, after an experience on 4/20, then, finding out that all my friends use to do it or that they wanted to, it was easy to get everyone rounded up to smoke some motaaa!! My excitement towards mota was so huge, grand, and awesome, that, I literally started a movement with it...
Well, that's not what this blog is about, but, since I started smoking, I got a bunch of people to come to where I told them to go, come to my house, smoke weed there, smoke weed at random spots, get other people that haven't smoked weed to smoke weed, get girls to smoke weed, getting teachers and police officers and migras(border patrol) to smoke a joint with us(corruption is yum), smoked so many times with so many people, it's ridiculous. I started to smoke everyday, and, let me tell you...
I didn't know about that super high me movie till I was smoking for like 4 months or so in a row..When I heard about it and the premise, I was like "wtf, just a month? XD"
Time would go by as if it were melting, slowly, like a candle. I've got like 50 pounds of weed in my lungs. Around this time, though, I'm going to quit(as of yesterday), but, seriously, smoking everyday is getting tiring. I am so lost I can't see myself anymore. The lifestyle is so shitty...
But, my mind is programmed already to just smoke weed and find a random place to smoke it at with people(usually a party). I've gone to so many places and seen so many people and talked to so many faces and gotten so many numbers and texted so many times I'm starting to think something is wrong with me...
I use to be a band nerd, no phone, no girlfriend since 3rd grade(and that lasted a day), and, no experience whatsoever. Then, I just smoked and 3 months later, I got a girlfriend, had sex for the first time, I started to depend on my phone a lot more than I use to, started learning about all sorts of drugs and becoming this influential monster, that, even now, teachers at the high school are telling students not to hang out with me..
I feel I have manic depression...this huge spike of experience and now, just looking back at it like I was on the best and worst roller coaster ride of my life(something like the Rattler) ;X
The amount of drugs I've ingested this past year is alarming. I don't know how it will affect me though, or, what it will do to me in the long run. I'm scared, and, I want to quit. I just need help, but, I can't take anything serious and I go and do drugs after getting help to "remember", which is wrong because I end up forgetting all the time.
Point of the story is, though, that you can do a lot in a year, after not doing anything for 17. I've done a lot more stuff that I can't really write about(for fear of coppers ;D) but, know that, anything is possible =]
Born Life span: 90+ years
Smoke Life span: 75 years
Drugs Life span: 60 years
More drugs Life span: Maybe until next year?
Oh, also, forgot to make this clear I guess, but, yeah, I've been smoking for a year and a month straight, everyday. Other drugs would come and go, but, I would stick to weed everyday. I'm barely stopping yesterday..
Belgium6763 Posts
Moderation is key.
That is all.
if you call the lifestyle shitty then you should quit or cut back.
hah, yeah i started habitually smoking weed when i was 14. It really opened up my social life, i went to so many parties, drank every weekend smoked everyday. I would look at kids my age and just laugh cuz they were still playing video games and seeing movies on the weekends. But, in retrospect, it was entirely the reason why Im still in highschool (I'm 20) and smoking weed for 5 years really put a damper on my motivation to excel at life.
anyways i agree it was really fun and it was a highschool experience ill never forget. I respect the fact that you're quitting so fast after having a taste of that life, I couldn't do it till i was 19, so good job.
I smoked everyday for like 2 years and quit probably like mid april. Gonna resume in a few weeks but not as heavily. I really needed to give my body a break so I did. I suggest just listening to what your body says.
Enjoy the ride while it lasts
its called detoxing... you should try it. Don't smoke every day, and smoke less when you do. Being functional and being high is not a bad thing.
yeah quitting weed was one of the easiest things ive ever done, once you decline the first time its just kind of a joke. i now dislike even being high, so when i smoke i smoke just a little to get me buzzedbut i can still be functional. I will never miss being so high that i cant articulate properly. never. that shit pisses me off so bad
butyeah, you might start hanging out with your pothead friends less, so i would suggest making new friends that dont smoke as well.
i've smoked nearly everyday for almost a year straight now... well i haven't smoked today, i ran out of weed yesterday and have no money for anymore TT. but i know what you mean at one point i was smoking 2 or 3 times a day, and it just made me feel like shit. so lethargic and i would hardly even feel high just brain numb.
i still enjoy smoking though. i want a sack now :D. i love smoking and playing bass!
so you been high for a year straight eh?
I didn't really care about my health when I smoked weed because my philosophy was that everyone spends too much time worrying about improving their life span/way of living for the future. Like, you go to school so you can go to college so you can get a job so you can pay for your kids to go to school and go to college etc etc.
But a life of being constantly high sucks after a while, and I needed some one else to point that out for me, so it's pretty amazing that you realized it on your own gj
Weed is fucking awesome but I believe I'm not addicted to it. I don't think about it and I don't mind hanging out with friends without smoking weed. But I wouldn't mind if we did =P
Like someone else said, moderation is key ;]
Weed is better than a lot of other drugs out there. If you smoke just weed, it won't kill you until way down the line (quicker than cigarettes if you smoke as much as you claim).
One of my roommates used to be a methhead. Now he just smokes weed. We're all relieved.
Good luck with your quitting. I wasn't nerdy in the last few years of high school but I waited until I was 18 (start of my senior year) before I started smoking.
I take breaks for two to four months once a year, but for the last five years I've regularly smoked once a week. I have no regrets and since I don't drink, I save alot of money.
I smoked everyday for 1 year from 18-19, and it all becomes a cloud. Everyday is bad, you need to take a break until smoking weed is fun and something that can happen versus being that 'I've got five on it' guy that spends his waking hours trying to get five fingers and dollars on a blunt.
P.S As a chain smoker I can tell you, smoking much less or even quiting for periods (I'm referring to weed) is much easier then with cigarettes, smoking less weed is as simple as changing your social envirnments. Realize that you have zero chance of improving, if you do not stop answering calls about weed/wanting to smoke weed/being unhappy.
Those things will make it impossible to get free of the notion "I'm happier when I'm high" which isn't why weed is so awesome anyway, its awesome because its safe, relaxing, calming when you spend your life around it, it becomes none of those things.
good luck man I hope you are able to cleanse the demons that are making you abuse weed instead of enjoying it responsibly.
On June 02 2009 03:04 Bond(i2) wrote: hah, yeah i started habitually smoking weed when i was 14. It really opened up my social life, i went to so many parties, drank every weekend smoked everyday. I would look at kids my age and just laugh cuz they were still playing video games and seeing movies on the weekends. But, in retrospect, it was entirely the reason why Im still in highschool (I'm 20) and smoking weed for 5 years really put a damper on my motivation to excel at life.
anyways i agree it was really fun and it was a highschool experience ill never forget. I respect the fact that you're quitting so fast after having a taste of that life, I couldn't do it till i was 19, so good job. lol
On June 02 2009 02:56 EsX_Raptor wrote: Born Life span: 90+ years
Smoke Life span: 75 years
Drugs Life span: 60 years
More drugs Life span: Maybe until next year?
Not even scientifically proven. Smoking one cigarette "takes 7 minutes off your lifespan" due to the fact that it takes around that long to smoke it. Educate yourself before you make posts like this. ^^
my advice, coming from personal experience dealing with this:
learn to be mindful and just be drug free for a certain period of the day. if the urges are really bad, it doesnt have to be that long. pick like, 6 hours or something. for 6 hours of the day do not smoke. if that means you feel like shit, then so be it. feel like shit for 6 hours. it just has to be done, it will get better with time, as you become reconditioned to go without the drug.
when you do this, make a commitment to increase that amount of time. while it started as 6 hours, after a month, change it to say - you don't smoke until after dinner.
then say, after another month, change it to just smoking a couple hours before bed.
then after another month, stop smoking altogether or only smoke on weekends or w/e.
the main thing is that once you set these boundaries, don't compromise them ever. if you compromise them ever it will give you an excuse to compromise them again in the future.
On June 02 2009 02:56 EsX_Raptor wrote: Born Life span: 90+ years
Smoke Life span: 75 years
Drugs Life span: 60 years
More drugs Life span: Maybe until next year?
What kind of bullshit is this?