The Legend of Fall was kept alive!
His great Reaver and Dark Templar control, his abnormal macro and excellent timing is what brought him the nickname: Sashin (from Korean: Death God).
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This controversial player is Oh Yeong Jong, commonly known as Anytime..[gm]. He is beloved by many, but he is also hated. He is charismatic and quiet, but a beast in the game. He is the one that renewed the Protoss glory and started an age of Neo Tosses. Yes, that is how Anytime looked like in So1 OSL, and that is how he looked 1 year after in the OSL where only NaDa could stop him in the finals with an 3-2 score. Then our great Protoss warrior decided to ''retire'' from individual leagues and as his contribution wasn't enough with bringing the LecafOz team to the level it is now, he leaded his disciples to the Shinhan Proleague gold, beating Samsung KHAN 4-1, and himself beating Stork in an awesome game on Katrina. We must not forget his great play in the GSI where he reached semifinals losing to Flash 1-3.
His OSL So1 run was just fantastic, not to mention he was a Royal Roader and he denied Boxer a Golden Mouse. That's probably why he is hated by some Boxer fans, but he clearly was the best of the NeoTosses at the time.
When everyone thought he faded away, he returned stronger than ever and gave hard time to the newer players. He also left some wise and bold statements for them:
-So... Did you know ever since you won the OSL, no protoss won?
Yeah I don't understand that. It really confuses me why a protoss can't win an OSL
-What do you think about it?
I think the current protoss players don't think and play properly. They shouldn't be stingy about learning veteran protoss player's strats.
-So enough of the Lecaf Terran Zerg line, lets talk about the Protoss line
You want my honest opinion?
-Yes that would be great
Honestly, our protoss line is not good.
-Why so?
They refuse to learn the old ways. They are too mechanical. They shouldn't rely on their mechanics too much to win the game (he kinda hints that backho's mechanics arent too good to rely on)
-Oh go on.
Backho, for example is a player who is always in my shadows. Its a real pity because I really like the kid. But the damn kid won't listen to me. He is a great player but because of the trend of new protoss players he eventually screws it all up. He doesn't know what "Timing" means
-I agree, alot of protoss players are too 'small minded (소심, if there is a better word in english please tell)' about the timing windows. They get too sensitive about it
Yes and hes so stingy about his own style. Wish he would listen to me more
-Wow seems like you had high hopes for Backho
Even when Backho was taking my spot and I was losing 6 games in a row, NO PROTOSS IN LECAF BEAT ME. I mean I didn't practice for a couple of months. If there is one matchup I actually care about, it is PvP. In PvP I believe even Stork will have a hard time taking a game from me even if we play right now. Backho and every other lecaf protoss have NEVER taken a game from me. This frustrates me but at the same time makes me happy.
-What if you meet Lecaf during proleagues?
I would hate to fight jaedong, but if I meet Backho I will beat his ass. I even told him "You better practice if you want to beat me in a live match"
Those where his words before joining ACE, and as badass as he is i really hope he will bring ACE to the whole new level.
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Thx to Fontong for the first picture and thx to MrHoon for the translation of the interview!!!
Poll: Is Anytime badass?
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