Batoo OSL Quarter Finals Week 1
Match A - (P)Bisu vs (P)BeSt
Game 1: Sin Chupung-Ryeong
Bisu Record: 2 wins - 0 loss (100.00%)
BeSt Record: 3 wins - 2 losses (60.00%)
PvP Overall:
BeSt: 33-11 (75.00%) 5-5 Last 10
Bisu: 51-28 (64.56%) 7-3 Last 10
I don't like BeSt's form recently. I also HATE this map for macro in PvP. I really don't think BeSt can take this one at all. I rate his chances at 15% on SCR. Bisu's style is suited to two base maps with short distances and especially his 2-4gate robo style is going to break BeSt's attempt at taking a faster 3rd.
Match B - (Z)Luxury vs (T)fantasy
Game 1: Medusa
Fantasy Record: 3 wins - 6 losses (33.33%)
Luxury Record: 4 wins - 2 losses (66.67%)
Fantasy TvZ: 11-12 (47.83%) 4-6 Last 10
Luxury ZvT: 43-35 (55.13%) 6-4 Last 10
I don't like this map for Fantasy. I don't think his form is good right now and I REALLY hate slower pushes through the middle of Medusa. There is so much opportunity for hit and run and gorilla tactics on this map from Luxury that I think fantasy needs to show Bio strength which he has yet to do in TvZ.
Match C - (T)Hwasin vs (Z)by.hero
Game 1: Tears of the Moon
by.hero Record: 1 wins - 2 losses (33.33%)
Hwasin Record: 3 wins - 0 loss (100.00%)
Hwasin TvZ: 70-43 (61.95%) 6-4 Last 10
by.hero ZvT: 6-6 (50.00%) 5-5 Last 10
by.hero has shown decent form after his first abrupt hit onto the scene against Bisu. He really really really lacks exposure, so I'm not sure how to go about predicting this one. I like Hwasin here for obvious reasons, it is his best matchup and a good map for him as well. I don't know about by.hero's muta control which is going to be very important. This is really up in the air.
Match D - (Z)Jaedong vs (P)Stork
Game 1: Return of the King
Stork Record: 5 wins - 1 losses (83.33%)
Jaedong Record: 1 wins - 1 losses (50.00%)
Jaedong ZvP: 57-33 (63.33%)
Stork PvZ: 58-52 (52.73%)
I actually like Jaedong here, somehow. I generally like Stork in situations where creativity and inventiveness are rewarded, such as new maps to the scene and opening games in series. I REALLY hate his chances of winning this whole series. The problem with Stork is I don't think he has the ability to defend the same sort of break that stopped Bisu. If Stork fast expands, I have a feeling Jaedong will be very pleased. We've recently witnessed how potent ling runby has been for JD, and I think he can do it again on this map.