"This is one of the worst economic periods anyone has seen in a very long time and I think the timing of the recent events is actually favorable for e-sports. Our entire world has been rebooted and we’ve been thrust back too where we were back in like 2002. This is a great opportunity for the entire community to build a solid foundation so when the economy turns around we have a powerful and meaningful product to then take e-sports to the next level. Players need to re-emerge as superstars, teams need to rebuild their fan bases and communities, and leagues and events need to provide an arena (online or live) for the highest, fairest form of competition that makes all matches accessible to fans. We need smart evolution from the ground up, not a money infused revolution that has already failed."
really cool and intelligent outlook really, when you think about it. people like cgs step in and make a horrible league that can't excite even me (one of the most easily excitable esports people), by just throwing around money. now the people who actually love esports can have more say and more ownership in what goes on. really awesome statement IMO.