5/5. Just because you are sticking with what you love to do. Personally though, maybe some more of like Jaedong? just Zerg players in general. And maybe take some pictures of the crowds if possible? Anyways Gl, dont let anybody get you down.
id like more of savior plz
I'd like to see more of the crowd's expressions during the games. I'm amazed that you've turned out such stunning pictures with only a Nikon D40x. You could also try doing larger broad shots of the sea of people (i'm pretty sure your kit lens 18-55mm? should probably cover that range perfectly). As for less photoshopping, you could use filters like you mentioned. Also, I don't know where photographers are allowed to sit but investing in a fixed lens might be beneficial for low light situations.
Hopefully you'll find something there that helps. I'm only an amateur DSLR photographer myself. cheers. Haha..if you're interested http://shavingcream66.deviantart.com/gallery/ although my shots are nothing compared to yours. Keep up the good work.
I would like to see more of the game centers and the locations where these events are held. The ticketing booth (if there is one), the lines before the game starts, the concession stands, the players while they enter, and the more famous players (Boxer, Flash, Savior, Jaedong, Bisu, etc.)
I don't know what's up with the haters, but I already feel that what you're doing right now is wonderful. Just continue taking pictures of well-liked/popular players as well as less popular ones. For example, some pictures of BaBy would be great.
So do you work for Fomos?
Edit: Nvm, you teach... english I'm guessing? From looking at most of your pictures, I haven't seen any negative comments. Anyway, keep up the hard work, it's really nice of you to do this for the community
yeah do some more of JD/savior/etc even if u've done it before ty for ur work
OK, this is probably going to be a long post; I've posted comments in some of your threads but mostly just about what I like. First thing, great job with the pictures; please keep entertaining us with the great shots, the candids are especially enjoyable. One thing I would try to do is get a nice sharp, low f-stop (preferably, especially with the low lighting conditions) lens if you can afford it. Be glad you don't have to shoot much action in those lighting conditions too See how far you can push down the shutter speed and avoid getting blur (maybe try a long exposer of a progamers hands in the booth O.o) maybe use a monopod/tripod if you can. I'm sure you know most of this stuff but you asked for comments
I noticed the fomos pictures have the exif data included if you're interested in what they're shooting at (though I'm sure you probably already know or can easily ask); here's one for reference: + Show Spoiler [fomos reference pic] +EOS 30D f/2.8 1/50 sec ISO-800 105mm focal length
I took a quick glimpse through your blog and some recent posts and picked out pictures I think could use some improvement (this is my opinion, and remember rules are made to be broken ) and also some pictures I enjoyed; I'm putting them all in a spoiler to avoid cluttering up this thread.
+ Show Spoiler [pics] +I like this picture, the angle makes it interesting but its not overdone; however, the lights at the top really distract your attention away from the subject. Have you tried doing some filters on the backgrounds especially to remove noticable noise? Here's a quick example I did with a savior picture. I only applied the filter to the background and left savior untouched (the blurring is a lot less noticeable when applied to the background but can help get rid of that graininess). BeforeAfterI enjoy the occasional black and white photo but remember (not just with b&w) what your metering mode is set to and be sure to account for something like the bright white coats in this picture that are going to throw of the exposure on the subject's faces. I like these edited images, I've done similar stuff myself; keep it up I've seen this in a couple pictures, generally you want space on the side of a picture that the subject is looking, the negative space on the left of this picture just looks a little akward, your eye wants to follow the subjects eyes. I like this picture, again the angle adds a little uniqueness and it has a nice uncluttered background. While having objects in the foreground can add to the picture in cases like this they often distract you from the main focus of the picture, especially when the foreground is very out of focus. If the foreground wasn't blocking his face I think it would be a better shot (of course you can't always control that) Same thing here, the foreground blurred is a little distracting. Nice picture here but the cord in front of the flower is distracting and it would be a better shot, in my opinion, if it was off to the side. Too much negative space on the left as I previously mentioned. Same Exposure on the face again Nice picture again but I think this would have been better tilted the other way (maybe not) Could use a little more open space on the top left where he is looking I like these shots, but try focusing on someone in the middle occasionaly This is a nice shot but I think it would be better if the booth the camera was focusing on was mostly in focus (although I don't think that was possible with the lighting conditions you work in) While focusing on something in the foreground can make a neat effect in this picture I think its too distracting with the player taking up most of the frame. Foreground is distracting again
Please keep up the good work, I always enjoy seeing your pictures. I hope you find this advice helpful and I can't wait to see the improvements with the new body & lens
Man im pretty sure 99% of TL loves your work, makes everything more terrenal to us and gives us something unique, dont let mindless stupids ruin your spirit.
~ What would you like to see more of/less of? More casual and group photos.
~ Who do you want to see photographed? (I have a list.) Generally almost anyplayer/coach i miss january pics!
~ Is there anything from Fomos/Fifo's work that you'd like me to try? Not exactly.
~ Any ideas for extra kit to make my work more varied? Something different for each shoot/event i mean an special object like a hat or random stuff to ask people to wear it could be fun and varied.
Good luck and nevergg your work man!
Katowice25012 Posts
I like your work. I would also like seeing more pics of the venue itself, the setting where these events actually take place; something that can capture the mood and atmosphere of the venue.
I really like your work too. Like probably a lot of the community, I'm not qualified to critique your photos. However, Abydos1's post seemed to bring up some good points that I wouldn't notice without him pointing it out, but after he pointed them out, they seem very noticeable.
+ Show Spoiler +
yeah once you upgrade to a canon, I know for a fact that canon has a really popular lens with a fstop of 1.2 which is pretty sick. it's pretty expensive though..i think it was either 30 or 50mm fixed
Netherlands6142 Posts
To be honest, I don't recognize myself in any of the complaint you say you got. From what I've seen of your work everything looks fine. You know, I'm not an expert on photography or anything but all the pics I've seen by you look really good.
As for what-should-you-take-pictures-of. I think the main thing in an insense sport like StarCraft when taking photo's during matches is to capture emotions. I mean, the camera man who got Bisu going : o in his shot is a hero to TL. I reckon this, taking that photo just at the right time, is insanely difficult, but I do believe it's something sports-photographers should try for. Mind, this is general advise. I'm not saying it is completely lacking from your work or anything since I do remember how you managed to get, like , Falsh pulling faces, on cam n_n Bur yer, I guess those are the best pics.
More of Flash, Bisu, and Stork please!
NeverGG i like all your pictures your very talented! As for who you should get more of, Firebathero of course!
United Kingdom5399 Posts
@ Abydos1 - thank you so much - I'm always rushing too much at events so I really do need to heed your advice and think about composition more. I'm hoping once I upgrade to the EOS5D I won't have to be so conscious of lighting problems and can focus more upon these issues.
Thanks for all the advice so far everyone - I'm taking it all on board and I promise to up my game in future shoots.
On January 27 2009 14:56 NeverGG wrote: I'm endlessly grateful to those who do comment, those who serve e-pie and also people who've given me advice in the past regarding techniques/photoshopping/the photos themselves. It helps bolster my lack of confidence in my work and give me another reason to go to PL after a long day of teaching etc.
Fixed never :D
I'd be interested in photos capturing the atmosphere / event as a whole.
For example: - the location (maybe an interesting detail like some curious decoration or fans scribbling signs) - people fiddling with cables/computers - the players arriving in their vans - boothgirls changing clothes doing whatever - the location after the event (signs laying on the floor etc.)
Those could add some flavor to the normal photos.
I just wanted you to know Ive always enjoyed your photos, keep up the great work - the only place to go is up