So let say you went out for lunch with a bunch of your friends and decide to buy a whole pizza.
It's a large pizza with starcraft shaped pepperoni for $20. There are a party of 5 so each pay $4. Each person have $5 dollar bills while you have 4 $1 dollar bills. So to pay the bill evenly, you will give a dollar each to your friends. while they give their $5 bill to the cashier. Problem Solved!
so.. what is the right phrase to describe this situation? split the bill? pay the bill evenly?
do u guys think there are good approach to these problems?
P.S. However in real life, calculation can get messy when the available bill varies. When we ordered pizza (group of cs/ce student) took about 8 minute to figure out how to pay the bill evenly.
United States7488 Posts
Sounds like splitting evenly to me.
It basically can be broken down as:
1.) You put your $4 in the pot. 2.) Friend puts in a $5 Bill and takes $1 from the pot so that essentialy put $4 in the pot (giving himself change). 3.) The next three friends copy Friend #1. 4.) Pizza is paid for.
For large groups I basically just grab the recipt and tell people how much they owe.
Sydney2287 Posts
I think it really depends who you're with. I've done similar to semioldguy on various occasions, I've also split bills evenly, regardless of who ordered/ate what.
keyword friends they should have let u throw down the 4$ for a tip or keep it and payed the 20$ bill done deal. imo whats a dollar and if you only have 4 of those keep it to buy something for yourself us $5 dollar ppl will be fine :D
division is pretty hard without a calculator!