Anyways as you noticed they added a watch in HD option now so now that's usable i might as well post how to upload in HD for any resolution
I'm not regular to teaching shit on youtube but i said just about everything if you can't follow along i'll make a write up soon a general youtube HD write up for everything ill make it tommrow thou.
This one is hd just go to youtube and click watch in hd
I fail at life so this is the first one i tried but i didn't follow my own rules lol so no hd on this one below
They also added this annoying search thing...which i find very frustrating every time you hover over it.
WHAaa Rapist i can do the rapist voice i did it on a sc commentary vids i used to do for like a week then i got bored. I alter my voice to be deep and have a slight echo to it.
1280*960 Interesting Because youtube HD was only official put as 1280x720 on their blog It's more interesting because youtube resized it back down to 960x720 (i downloaded the vid and took a look at it. He lost quality thought it's not that noticeable) to fit. It resize bigger on youtube full screen but i've always been opposite to letting youtube resize anything. The fullscreen works better though ionno how it compared to how i did it.
Which is what i used to test what people liked they liked the 4:3 better
Yeah the only way to get youtube quality that is decent is to upscale apparently it has to be past 1280x720 or else it won't work.
Apparently uploading a 2x sc size 1280x960 you get a downscaled 960x720 youtube which i find appalling letting youtube scale anything just cuz they porb use a generic filter that only good at down or upscaling Optimally you would want to make it 5:4 for people because that is more used then 4:3 so a 1280 x 1024 would give full screen to most only crt are still 4:3. Personally i prefer my way even though your full screen isn't as big i just don't like youtube scaling anything.
God damn youtube hosting all of our data for free. We should have our own website, made from laser beams and awesome. Where the Vods are only like 20kb and you can speed them up and down and select things and have timer in the lower right corner
On December 04 2008 17:54 MetalMarine wrote: Damn comp is too crappy to run it on HD, it lags every 5 seconds LOL
A Pentium 3 at lest is necessary to run a H.264 codec using a best decoder knowing youtube you'd porb need a bit higher then a p4 or maybe a p4 with hyerthreading. Although it could just be your Internet or do you mean after loading lol.
On December 04 2008 16:12 IzzyCraft wrote: It porb take him awhile to encode a full match unless he had a good quadcore to get a 1 to 1 encoding time 1 min of encoding for every 1 min of vid.
If the source is encoded in some form of h264 video, then it takes merely seconds to upconvert it to some form of HD. You only need processing power if you want to upconvert from xvid to h264.