Zero vs Flash
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I'm really baffled how Zero managed to pull this off. Granted Flash didn't play like he used to, but I was just amazed at how Zero just kept going with the gas intensive units. First 2hatch muta (though not the all-in kind, but rather the "secret expo" kind), then lurker tech, then quick hive, then greater spire/guardians, then defilers, then ultras. He literally got every gas tech you'd ever get in ZvT, including speedlings early which he couldn't really use IIRC. I'm just amazed that his economy could keep up. Makes me wanna figure out how he did that. The only big problem I saw early game from Flash was that he built like a dozen turrets which didn't really get much action since Zero played smartly with his muta harass. I'm gonna have to watch this game again.
In unrelated news, lately in my ZvP games I've been forgetting to send my overlord into his main to scout his stargate timing, and as a result have had to play safe and get a den just "whenever it feels right." Of course, time flows differently when you're ingame, so I end up getting it early. Like, hydra-break early. Or at least that's what my opponents think when they scout my den. They respond with like 4 or 5 more cannons at their nat, while I drone-whore, and eventually take a 4th once I see all those cannons. Which makes me think: Maybe this is something I could do more often.
Anybody think this is good/bad? Comments?
Also, in ZvT, I've been wanting to do a different build, more aggressive early game, not 12hatch every single time. I was thinking something like 9pool (no gas) into hatch@nat, following up basically standard. So far though, in the 2 games I've tried this, I've had no luck. A couple marines behind a couple SCVs blocking the ramp, and I remembered why I always 12hatch against terran.
So, is there any good opening (that's not overly map-specific) for ZvT other than 12hatch?
I've actually got a lot of blog material, but this one's full enough, so I'll save the rest for later.
As usual, any constructive comments/questions/suggestions are appreciated.