Shortly after playing a sub-par game against a computer I came back to the fact that I'll never be good at Starcraft. Or at least, will never have the time to dedicate to it.
No matter how exhilarating it would be the one playing in an OSL Final, how relieving it would be to win the last game in a crucial BO5, or how exciting it would be to clinch the game to bring your team's score to 3:2 we all know it'll never happen for the majority of us. That's why following the pro-gaming scene is so rewarding. Whether the accomplishing of the dreams of our favorite pro-gamers or their downfalls, we follow their every steps as if we were right there with them.
Disappointment aside, there is always one thing we can turn to, the one thing we aspire to do well in and put all our effort into. From sports to art to acting, we all have something we would drop everything else for. For me this is Track and Field. I've already squandered Freshmen Year, fallen short Sophomore Year, and wasted Junior Year. As a Senior, I'm going to put everything I have into doing well and having the most fun during my last season.
What's your passion?
United States11637 Posts
16951 Posts
My passion is life. I love living every day and trying to appreciate every little thing to the fullest extent.
Do you Empyrean? DO YOU REALLY?
hm.. one thing I can turn to.. Starcraft really. It's more than just a game to me
Canada7170 Posts
On November 04 2008 13:42 conCentrate9 wrote: Music, Singing. Same here.
Drawing. I love drawing. I don't have the creative mind I used to have, but just letting my mind go and drawing whatever the hell I want is so relaxing. Kinda makes me wanna draw right now actually~
Music, StarCraft, Tennis, and History ;0
Reading every single book my brother has ever read and more. Playing starcraft and playing soccer with friends.
nothing this far, if i had to say anything, music.
Starcraft, writing poetry/lyrics, photo editing and wanting to get into photography. Inspiration really gets me going such as watching Boxer, reading lyrics by my favorite artists, and seeing some awesome pictures. Also, I have a strange passion for helping and supporting others to fight for their passions as well.
To me life is about passion. Passion ftw! 
On November 04 2008 13:38 boesthius wrote: Music and coffee. I'm hoping to blend the two together. Clever boy, I see what you did there.
Edit: My passion is definitely music, probably why it's also my major.
On November 04 2008 13:38 boesthius wrote: Music and coffee. I'm hoping to blend the two together.
Let us know when you get that done.
Music, Starcraft, Running
Video games are my passion. My whole life pretty much revolves around freeing up as much time as possible to play/practice or working so I can get more games/computer stuff.