I bowled well today. Now that I'm done with my Saturday class at grad school I can actually practice on Saturdays in preparation for my league on Sundays. Today I bowled 225, 224, 213 for a 662 series which means I averaged ~221. I missed two 10 pins and a 2,7,8. I made about six 10 pins though.
My friend and I are considering joining the Long Island Generations Bowling Tour. It's a monthly tournament where you pay 100 for the scratch bracket for 50 for the handicapped bracket. My friend's averaging over 220 now so he's enter the former, and I'd enter the latter. It also gives us an excuse to go practice at the different bowling alleys all over the county... so it could be pretty cool. It's sponsored by Columbia 300 so we can get gear along with membership, as follows:
Bronze($30): Shirt
Silver($110): Shirt + Latest Columbia 300 Bowling Ball
Gold($160): Shirt + Ball + Bag for three balls
You need to be a member to enter tournaments, or you can pay a $15 dollar fee to enter a tournament as a guest (but only once). Should I do this? Feel free to check out the site linked to above if you are at all curious.