Random facts:
The Quran and the Bible are mostly same books/stories(with some changes of course) till the Abraham wife vs servant girl part where the Muslim part follows the storyline of the servant's child Ishmael while the Christian part follows the storyline of the Isaac. The Quran does recognize Jesus but only as just another prophet: Nabi Isa. One of the big differentiating morals of Christianity from other religions is "Love your enemies". This is obviously difficult but you can obviously see how much overly good guy-ish is this simple directive. Yes, even to their death. That is why there are appointments of martyrs for sainthood. The Roman Catholic church has the full proper logical info and documents on the shit why they choose the things they do. You want logical answers, dig their documents and stuff (warning: technical and best get answers from the Vatican). Yeah, RC was a bad boy for a time, but no matter how bad it became, the teachings were never changed. And also, many other churches are using the reason that RC having being bad once to proclaim that RCs are going to hell.
Yeah, reasons like impossible, human nature, modernisation, etc... will be used against a religion's teachings but for me, if the ideals are good and plus it has proven itself by withstanding time, I will use their guidance (why reinvent the wheel, yeah, obviously I did try a few times like any other human would...). Anyway, religious debates on the internet are usually trollan. And there are always a huge number of newbies which will give off a bad stereotype for a set of people so... enjoy your self-trollan thread.
The Quran and the Bible are mostly same books/stories(with some changes of course) till the Abraham wife vs servant girl part where the Muslim part follows the storyline of the servant's child Ishmael while the Christian part follows the storyline of the Isaac. The Quran does recognize Jesus but only as just another prophet: Nabi Isa. One of the big differentiating morals of Christianity from other religions is "Love your enemies". This is obviously difficult but you can obviously see how much overly good guy-ish is this simple directive. Yes, even to their death. That is why there are appointments of martyrs for sainthood. The Roman Catholic church has the full proper logical info and documents on the shit why they choose the things they do. You want logical answers, dig their documents and stuff (warning: technical and best get answers from the Vatican). Yeah, RC was a bad boy for a time, but no matter how bad it became, the teachings were never changed. And also, many other churches are using the reason that RC having being bad once to proclaim that RCs are going to hell.
Yeah, reasons like impossible, human nature, modernisation, etc... will be used against a religion's teachings but for me, if the ideals are good and plus it has proven itself by withstanding time, I will use their guidance (why reinvent the wheel, yeah, obviously I did try a few times like any other human would...). Anyway, religious debates on the internet are usually trollan. And there are always a huge number of newbies which will give off a bad stereotype for a set of people so... enjoy your self-trollan thread.
PS. Don't bother to discuss religion with me whether you are Christian or not. Yes I'm an Roman Catholic. Go dig the shit yourself, you lazy fu- Heheh, yes, I'm not the best example of one but yeah I did study on the facts. I started to gain interest actually due to the exciting events like the battles and stuff like with my interest for RotK.
PPS. For programming and CS enthusiasts looking for an update, I have decided on shooter like Bill307 recommended but I've been busy with(still am) the other subjects assignments(#^$*@#^$) so yeah, I'll try to update on something when I'm free. And I'll admit I haven't started on the programming (docs and design already though). Really, the other subject I'm sloggin through are taking a lot of my time: ASP.NET, ADO.NET, LAMP, Java multithreading-networking-RMI-servlets-JSP. All parallel at once. I wish I could breeze through these faster. Anyway, bye. X(