Okay, so let me start this out as an intro. Hi, I am JasK...people may know me on sMi.jask@west/iccup or Jask[FcG] @ east... anyways.. I am a no one in the Starcraft community. So I happen to be friends with Dino, and some other people online..and we decided to go visit dino for WCG, since he gets a free hotel and we could crash with him at his residence in riverside...and it started out as a nice joke of a vacation(I am from MN, so its like fucking tropical island to me, seeing as how its so cold here)..but as it evolved it became a reality. Me and Naw-Inka(Kelby) and Bongmicro(Ben)..went and stayed with Dave, and had some fun..We drank everynight, threw parties a lot...and then we traveled to L.A. For WcG and got a nicccccce hotel room, where we threw many beer pong tournaments, and got wasted, went to dennies at 7am and got kicked out lollll.... But anyways, as it was my first time in california i took many pictures and some videos of some of the events, and I would just like to share my experience.
I had a GREAT time, geting drunk and meeting a lot of cool people... RICH(future[light]) is a pro kicker(lol) and a pro at swatting bounce shots away in beer pong... DAVID(Louder[Light]) is a good friend to have aroud when you run out of alcohol(he drank it all, godman heavyweights never get drunk) and your not 21 but you have money and its only midnight... Duran(Xeris[light]) proved to be a pro at taking shots from sitting position in beer pong, and proved that even if your not wasted, beer pong is still fun?...Amir(eZ[Light]) taught me that guys can pull of pinks shirts, but tehy are prolly pussies who dodge on the hotel party(haha jk amir)..me and leo(fujikura) found out that you can get some serious frost bite by holding compressed air upside down lollll(its like a week later and i still have wicked frost bite on my leg)...who else? There were so many cool people, that I would otherwise label as a nerd from behind my computer screen, that I met...and drank with and had good times with...Lol.. Artosis falling over our beds and spilling rich's drink on one of them...G5 talking about dinos hair(wanting to grab it, but he didin't because he didint want to ruin it)...and then there was incontrol making chicken noises all the time(don't really know what that was about) lollll.. Anyways GOOD times on average went to bed at like 6am and got kicked out of some restaurants lol...., but yea, maybe you will enjoy some of the pics and videos...or maybe you will just flame me..
P.S. I just wanted to apologize to NonY, we kind of highjacked his hotel room, good thing yosh didn't show, as it worked out better then if he had shown...
Here are links
Pics: http://picasaweb.google.co.kr/Jask.KsaJ/Cali# Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/negativeapm (videos are uploading currently)
DISCLAIMER: I am terrible writer...so don't bother bugging me with errors in my grammar.. also...I was drunk 95% of the tripp..so some videos are just eventless loll
Cool write up, but probably better made into a blog
Oh, yea..I suppose, sry if it belonged in blogs...
Canada19447 Posts
haha nice pics - i liked the random asian guys lol.
51336 Posts
lol at 'thought to be machine's sister'
your friends with DINO??! omg ban!
lol the vids w/ kelby are hilarious hahaha
On October 09 2008 19:31 ThePhan2m wrote: your friends with DINO??! omg ban!
ha ha.
I am uploading like 3 more videos...they are pretty funny. One is future's pro kick. Another is, the beginning of him losing to D gamer lol.. and the other one is his proooo bounce shot swat!
On October 10 2008 03:24 Metal[x] wrote: lol the vids w/ kelby are hilarious hahaha
It was funny, becsaue it was only the Gin and Tonic bongs that did that to him...if he got drunk of like beer or vodka(as we saw couple of the nights) ...he was like an angry drunk or some shit loll....There was even this time one of the nights, I guess(I was passed the fuck out on xantacs) where he was drunk and he went to pour cranberry juice into his vodka tonic mix, and he completely missed the cup by like 4 inches and just poured it straight onto the floor lollzlzl
Future swats balls like a champ apparently.
wait a minute that blonde girl's name isn't katie sharp is it cause if it is i went to school with her sister
nevermind false alarm
loool , that interview was funny
I am trying to upload future doing his kick, but its being all gay and stuff..that is like one of the best videos lolll
(nvm it worked, lol..one of my fav videos)