Poll: Who will produce the Best Game? (Vote): DeadVessel (Vote): Plexa (Vote): GTR-2-Go and HnR)Insane (Vote): FakeSteve[TPR] (Vote): Last Romantic (Vote): Sp1ralArch1tect and Liquid`Drone (Vote): The Ace Player.
Set 1: Chupung-Ryeong DeadVessel
Set 2: Medusa Plexa
Set 3: Hannibal GTR-2-Go and HnR)Insane
Set 4: Destination FakeSteve[TPR]
Set 5: Sword in the Moon Last Romantic
Set 6: Iron Curtain Sp1ralArch1tect and Liquid`Drone
Ace Match: Neo Requiem
This is the lineup that Tl.net is sending to face GG.net in what will be undoubtably a titanic match the starcraft scene has not seen since Yellow won an OSL.
But who will produce the best games?
What does TL.net think?
I have a personal biase, and I think Last Romantic will produce some brilliant games. Anyone else who knows the skill of the mods have any other opinions?
United States20661 Posts
I am preparing some epic cheese but I don't know what race they're sending so it's kind of hard.
I think Last Romantic will make the community proud. Has always come off to me as a creative player.
Need to see the definate matchups though before really predicting this one. Last Romantic in a PvT should be nice.
On September 29 2008 04:19 Last Romantic wrote: I am preparing some epic cheese but I don't know what race they're sending so it's kind of hard. haha, well yes, exactly what I was thinking while writing the previous post.
On September 29 2008 04:20 GinNtoniC wrote: I think Last Romantic will make the community proud. Has always come off to me as a creative player.
Need to see the definate matchups though before really predicting this one. Last Romantic in a PvT should be nice.
Er, I thought he was playing Zerg.
we need to spy on them, study them!
drone ftw. I want to see queens in action
Fakesteve he found out how to make marines move and attack faster.
Is it possible that the TL ace is Mani? since we all know how much he loves the map.
do we know their line up yet?
Too bad we don't have tasteless on our team
Going with FakeSteve, i would have chosen Drone if he had played 1v1.
The ace player, the one and only: MANIFESTO! hopefully =P
On September 29 2008 04:33 Titusmaster6 wrote: Is it possible that the TL ace is Mani? since we all know how much he loves the map. great idea !
United States20661 Posts
Voted for ACE but I guess I know who it is so =/
Hello, former teammate, or something