Not much i guess but uhh! I was gonna post somebody else but found no pictures of that chick so yea thats what youre fapping to today.
And for those of you who think posting pictures without consent is creepy heres a story thats real creepy!
First of all i never met this chick. I talked to her online but she is a girlfriend of a friend of a friend.
They broke up and she posted the pictures of his dick all over the internet and threatened to send their sex video to his parents if he doesnt do something. Dont recall what.
Hows that for invasion of privacy?
Anyway onto the training.
I had a judo class today. Apart from the drills i fought two rounds of randori, which is what i want to focus on.
I fought two brown belts, first one i ipponned once countering his double leg attempt with tawara gaeshi type of shit. So so so so clean i ended up in mount. He kept bending so i tried to execute this as a power move without him actually coming my way. I failed and he ended up in mount position, which tbh i dont think he would be able hold onto cos he sucks at keeping holdings.
Sparring with the second dude we ended up 2-2 with me trying to do a reaching outside sweep and he just countered when i got my arm too far behidn somehow. Then i got him down straight on his back ending up in his guard with inside foot sweep(same leg). Then i got him down by going outside foot sweep(same leg) where he stepped back allowed me grab his now front leg and lift it up, after which i just swept his other leg and fell on top.
Last throw of the day was the kneeling version of ippon sionage. i blocked it at first but then i felt safe and started repositioning myself and that was when he slammed and turned me. Im not sure if it was ippon tho or not.
Is my training helping? Yes. Immensely. I feel that my speed is ON A WHOLE NEW LEVEL! Same goes for my cardio. I felt hella freshier then usual today. Strength is obviously at the same level as i havent really been training it at all.
Thats all i wanted to say today i guess.