Here are some things I noticed that were improvements from XP:
1. Shit is prettier.
2. Shit is newer.
3. Shit, haha shit.
OK! Here's the deal, shit's not worth it dog nawimsayin'? It's like when you install a new operating system and it fails to deliver -- just like that feeling, it's uncanny! TEEHEE.
So, um, the only things that I liked were the nice compact program list (Exhibit-motherfucking-A) compared to the HUGEGANTIC one in XP which takes up your entire screen (Exhibit-goddamn-B).
+ Show Spoiler [Exhibit A:] +
I couldn't even find (the time to find) a desktop picture!
+ Show Spoiler [Exhibit B:] +
That shit is xbox hueg.
ALSO! Vista is undoubtedly pretty, pretty like Amereican supercar pretty. You can't but help be overwhelmed by the exhuberant amount of *SHINY*. Shiny comes with a cost, however, Vista likes to consume lots of RAM, somewhere around, ohhhhh, SEVEN HUNDRED
IN ADDITION! When I formatted my Vista partition, Windows boot loader kept looking for Vista for some reason.
WBL: "My baby! Where's my baby?!"
SO! What I ended up doing was formatting my XP partition as well because shit pissed me off, it was late, I have OCD, and damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
PROMPTLY AFTER! I reinstalled XP and on my second partition installed Fedora Core 9 Nintendo 64 version (Exhibit-butt-fucking C). It was a bit of a pain in the butt, but I did it, and it was FUN. It's like, when you eat a steak, shit ain't satisfying, you gotta kill that cow with your bare hands. Thrill of the hunt y'know?
+ Show Spoiler [Exhibit C: ] +
Look how many friends I have holy shit!
TAKE NOTE! If you like to have working mp3s, flash player, embedded video, etc. out of the box, shit ain't for you son.
BUT! If you like doing shit like this for fun gopher it (LOL!).