So here we go, I got 2 curses, 1st one at work.
There is nothing better than walking in the rain. 7.30am, no sleep, another happy night at the gas station. Well, maybe not. You see, there is a small problem, BURGERS. (not again) well, drunk people allways seem to think, "I'm hungry... FOOOOD!! hmmmm... menu, im hungry... mmmmhmmmm menu... im hungry... biggest menu... hotdog, nah - ahhh! BUUURGER!" So basically everytime people aproach the gas station, there is one thought that goes trough my head when they look at the menu: "PLEASE please, dont order a burger, dont order a burger!!" and guess what they order??? BURGERS! not one person... nonoo, but all of the damn 8 drunk bastards think alike. maybe I should start poisoning those damn goood burgers at my work place, that should solve the problem *ponders*
Ok so my 2nd curse, its a life long one. You see, my dad's abit wierd, he gets all these crazy thoughts, building stuff, huge projects. He seem to start them yes, but then loosing intresting and starting a new one. Well its not an extreme case luckly, but enough to bother me. It seems like its in my DNA, and thaaats abit annoying. Not to mention my combined with my mums perfectionized ways of doing stuff.
SO, an example. I noticed this thread on, the pokémon project. Well I kinda used to have one myself back 7 years ago. And it was gonna be a project to prove this curse wrong. Basically it wasnt impossible, but hard, and very time consuming. I was gonna catch all the pokémons(150) and train them to lvl100(max lvl). The futher i got into doing so, i forced myself to think that if i didnt finish this, I would be just like my dad. Cursed to not finish stuff. (so no cheats allowed, no rare candys, no trades unless i have to, and all had to be catched at lowest possible level, in order to get best) So after the easy ones reached 100 (like mewtwo, alakazham, venusaur etc) I keept on doing the League over and over again to get most experience. and started off with the hardest ones: "GOO Caterpie, TACKLE! you can do it!!" ehmm, didnt go so well. After 1000++ times finsihing league I got tired. 2nd year of high school, away from home, no internet, on my shitty laptop that made starcraft lag. I gave up. 29 lvl100s, damn this curse!!
so since you read this far, any tips on how to solove my little problem? how to break this curse. Basically I have an habit of leaving stuff I started on, undone, and start somthing else. Tho I sometimes come back and finish "forgetting" that I started.
Thanks for readin! make sure to check my 1st burger blog if you havent.
gonna get some sleep *yawns*