We've gone through 2 out of the 5 TEM samples we need. The rest... hopefully we get through tomorrow. We wasted a good hour trying to get an ancient (and i mean ANCIENT!! this computer had 1mb of ram and 80 mb of hd space!) EDX to run and failed.
Need to scan in about a hundred TEM negatives and fuck around with them tomorrow after the TEM runs are done. Not to mention analyzing/comparing/talking about them and the diffraction patterns.
SEM IS STILL DOWN!! The repair guy is incompetent and we're all rolling are eyes. Need to go talk to a certain "Frank" who is in charge of another SEM in the building. Can I find him in time??
Chemical Analysis samples were made yesterday, they'll be sent to Chemistry today. They usually take two days. THAT@S FRIDAY!! Will they come back in time for me to include it in my thesis?
Gotta finish revising my grammar/spelling/punctuation/formatting as well, and the micrometer/raman spectroscopy analysis, but that's the easiest part!
whooooooooooo next 5 days will be hell.