Did this mystery user finally find something to defeat me in? Could I have defended my title of most awesome in a third consecutive game? The results are below:
Best of 3:
+ Show Spoiler [game1] +
The other guy claims he messed up and he resigned kinda early.
+ Show Spoiler [game2] +
;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game
;White: micronesia
;Black: <mystery man>
;Date: Tue Jul 22 07:20:14 GMT 2008
1. e2-e4 d7-d6
2. f1-c4 e7-e6
3. b1-c3 f8-e7
4. d2-d3 e7-h4
5. g1-f3 h4-f6
6. d1-e2 g8-h6
7. e4-e5 d6xe5
8. f3xe5 o-o
9. f2-f4 h6-f5
10. g2-g4 f5-d4
11. e2-g2 f6-h4+
12. e1-f1 d4xc2
13. g2xc2 d8-f6
14. c3-b5 f6-d8
15. e5-f3 h4-f6
16. d3-d4 a7-a5
17. g4-g5 f6-e7
18. h1-g1 a8-a6
19. c2-g2 a6-c6
20. g5-g6 f7xg6
21. f3-e5 c6xc4
22. e5xc4 e7-b4
23. a2-a3 b4-e7
24. c1-e3 d8-d5
25. g2xd5 e6xd5
26. c4xa5 c8-h3+
27. f1-e2 e7-h4
28. b5xc7 b7-b6
29. a5-b3 b8-c6
30. c7xd5 f8-d8
31. a1-c1 c6-a7
32. d5xb6 d8-e8
33. c1-c7 a7-b5
34. c7-c4 e8-e4
35. a3-a4 b5-d6
36. d4-d5 d6-f5
37. c4xe4 h7-h6
38. g1xg6 h6-h5
39. d5-d6 f5-h6
40. g6xh6 g7xh6
41. b3-a5 h3-g4+
42. e2-d3 g4-h3
43. a5-c6 h3-f1+
44. d3-c2 h4-e1
45. d6-d7 h5-h4
46. e4-e7 g8-f8
47. d7-d8++
+ Show Spoiler [game3] +
Edit: BTW we didn't use a timer and it took like 2 hours haha.