My friend (girl) submited a design for a pepsi can, it's latin american idol related
tha prize is they will use her design and a trip (i dont know where tho)
still a few days before the contest ends...i'll make a general thread 2 days before.
in return...i will make her post a pic whit ZOMG TL I LOVE YOU...YOU OWN!...and maybe tits
just click the thumb up =)
****she's not hot!****
Better post the pic with tits.
Cool, the bigger the pictures are, the more votes they currently have.
There is one to the right that is huge with 1200 votes, well 1199 cuz I thumb-downed it. Everyone do the same. If you don't know how to scroll through the pictures, move your cursor to the bottom where the word "Navegar" is, it should expand and show you arrows to which direction you want to go.
*EDIT: There is one in the 7 o'clock position with 5171 votes, thumb it down, he might need the help of other SC communities...
I'll help TL members, but seriously this is lame. It's some random girl who's your friend (or more likely just your acquaintance) that's using you to help her win some lame contest (or rather you're offering yourself to be used). It wasn't cool when that guy did it with the modelling thread, and it isn't cool now.
So I'm going to do you a favour and not vote.
Besides, her's isn't even decent. So many way better ones on there...
^ you hurt me =(
she's a nice girl...sometimes she even cooks for me :O
That's a really bad layout in my opinion. Layout of all the pictures, not the picture itself. Whoa! You can scroll! I am amazed. Yes I am.
uhh... if you refresh the page and vote again. it still counts.
Australia3316 Posts
Yeah, not the best design. Sorry mate but to use me, good quality is required.