So yeah that was the honking sound.
I can now legally drive around as I just passed my behind the wheel driving test maybe 6 hours ago. It was pretty smooth, lady told me to merge here, turn there, park on the lane, back up straight(I geared it wrong first time and went forward and was like fjdkalfda shit shit...)
Dad trains fair, I think, all the manuvers and things went well. I had some good practice on the recent family vacation(will post that soon i think) where I drove about 200-300 miles of highway so yeah!
Life is good, expect my territory increase due to higher mobility, alas the overlord speed upg is complete!
Happy driving! (not with this, ofc haha)
edit1: In retrospect I never knew it is a convention to learn driving early in the States since I'm not born here, and you could imagine the oddity of it when every friends and classmates started driving around and I'm still on my bicycle. I would never drive at college and I generally didn't think driving is needed. But It is nice to have a license at hand in a country where private transports is mainstream. Come to think of it a liscence at 19 yr old isn't too bad, albeit abit late but w/e. Now I have to fix our old black honda civic w/ battery or what not so it can actually work. xD
edit2: Oooh yeah error chart was 7/15 mistakes.
Osaka27115 Posts
Congrats evan! I remember the tense couple of moments as the evaluator looked over his marking sheet and then the feeling of joy when he shook my hand. That ranks right up there with the feeling you get when you take your first drive in your first car.
yeah during my test I made this mistake in the middle where I stopped when I didn't have to and I thought that was insta-fail so the rest of the test, all I could think was "omg I failed..." but turns out I passed somehow (11 marks out of max 15 haha)
long sentence, sry
Haha during mine when lady told me to back up I forgot to shift gear into back and went forward about 10cm then I went "OOOPS!" and shifted back. I thought I was doomed then...
United States24511 Posts
When I had my first road test I turned too wide on a turn and the car slipped off the edge of the road and rolled upside down onto a beach. + Show Spoiler +Lol no I passed with a couple of minor mistakes :p
i asked my instructor what the speed limit was LOL
her: "ok how fast are you going" me: "34" her: "whats the speed limit?" me: "you tell me"
LOL then i was like "shit uh nevermind" (she got all upset and had me pull over and asked if i wanted to even take the test).
I apologized and kept driving and then on a blind turn i almost hit a truck going by..
my test was on a huge raining day with the instructor having her periods. i was driving and shifting and she almost vomit during the ride.
I booked another test the day after and got a pass because the instructor wanted to go on lunch asap and let me off easy lool
haha, congrats! from my test, i remember when i crossed railroad. At that time there were lots of cars and everybodys going from work or smth and just slowly cross the railroad, but I have to fully stop, turn my head 45' to left, then right, only then can go. Cars behind me starded honking and instructor says "don't mind the dumbasses... you're doing ok". Then i knew i'll pass =D
gratz man but remember, life aint carmaggedon
evan do you have a bike up here?
On July 08 2008 18:30 paper wrote: evan do you have a bike up here?
LET'S EXPLORE :D!! Haha my bike got stolen! I'll be getting a new one though, we totoally should