I don't think these questions are important enough to be in the strategy forum. Just wondering if some more experienced Z players could give a few short answers on the following:
1) Hotkeys: is 1-5 for units and 6,7,8,9,0 for hatcheries a good idea? So far it works fine for me but I don't know what to do when, for example, I get 12 lurks and like 60 lings and 8 ultras or something crazy like that.
2) How does 9-pool speed/overpool/12pool fare against 2-gate builds from P? What about proxy gates? Oh and about 12 pool, how is it for ZvT? I almost always 12-hatch, just looking to expand my repertoire with stuff that I would be comfortable with.
3) Against P: how good of a combo (lategame) is ultra-hydra? My ultras always get pwned by archons but I love using hydras against them. And I heard from somewhere that it's a good combo, I don't really know.
4) ZvZ: is it really a build-order triangle? I never see 9-pool builds beating 12-pools for example (I think this happened recently in Jaedong vs. Oversky?). And, can 12-hatch ever defend 9-pool?
Alright that's about it, thank you very much anyone who takes the time to answer and enrich my Zerg experience.
Meh, I tried to write something but it was horribly incoherent, sorry. Might give it a try tomorrow if I can find the time.^^
On June 24 2008 07:30 teh.pwnerer wrote: I don't think these questions are important enough to be in the strategy forum. Just wondering if some more experienced Z players could give a few short answers on the following:
1) Hotkeys: is 1-5 for units and 6,7,8,9,0 for hatcheries a good idea? So far it works fine for me but I don't know what to do when, for example, I get 12 lurks and like 60 lings and 8 ultras or something crazy like that.
2) How does 9-pool speed/overpool/12pool fare against 2-gate builds from P? What about proxy gates? Oh and about 12 pool, how is it for ZvT? I almost always 12-hatch, just looking to expand my repertoire with stuff that I would be comfortable with.
3) Against P: how good of a combo (lategame) is ultra-hydra? My ultras always get pwned by archons but I love using hydras against them. And I heard from somewhere that it's a good combo, I don't really know.
4) ZvZ: is it really a build-order triangle? I never see 9-pool builds beating 12-pools for example (I think this happened recently in Jaedong vs. Oversky?). And, can 12-hatch ever defend 9-pool?
Alright that's about it, thank you very much anyone who takes the time to answer and enrich my Zerg experience.
1) Sounds like a pretty good split up. Usually when I'm dealing with large numbers of lings, I just use the mouse to move / attack with them (there's really a point of diminishing returns where having more lings doesn't help you because you can't control them)
3) Ultra-hydra is a pretty idea combo, but it's very gas heavy (you're usually putting all your gas into ultras anyway) and you need a third upgrade to really make it shine. The good thing is that it requires a gas heavy counter for Toss, who now needs both archons to fight the ultras and templar to storm the hydras.
United States24495 Posts
You probably want cracklings late game zvp no matter what else is in the combination. If you have the upgrades for hydras from early in the game, then this is possible I think as long as you also have cracklings.
oooo, I love unit mixes. ultra/ling/hydra it is =) I usually play hydra/lurk/ling in the midgame anyways.
how can teh.pwnerer be asking tips about sc? You should already be able to micro units from 3 fronts!!
On June 24 2008 07:30 teh.pwnerer wrote: I don't think these questions are important enough to be in the strategy forum. Just wondering if some more experienced Z players could give a few short answers on the following:
1) Hotkeys: is 1-5 for units and 6,7,8,9,0 for hatcheries a good idea? So far it works fine for me but I don't know what to do when, for example, I get 12 lurks and like 60 lings and 8 ultras or something crazy like that.
2) How does 9-pool speed/overpool/12pool fare against 2-gate builds from P? What about proxy gates? Oh and about 12 pool, how is it for ZvT? I almost always 12-hatch, just looking to expand my repertoire with stuff that I would be comfortable with.
3) Against P: how good of a combo (lategame) is ultra-hydra? My ultras always get pwned by archons but I love using hydras against them. And I heard from somewhere that it's a good combo, I don't really know.
4) ZvZ: is it really a build-order triangle? I never see 9-pool builds beating 12-pools for example (I think this happened recently in Jaedong vs. Oversky?). And, can 12-hatch ever defend 9-pool?
Alright that's about it, thank you very much anyone who takes the time to answer and enrich my Zerg experience.
1) I do 4-9 for hatcheries.... I try to put an Evo on 0 or an OL... It depends. 1-3 for units. And Hotkey zerglings last if at all... Just get fast at spamming a-move But this is just how I do it. Not sure how others do it.
2) I'm probably not good enough to answer this correctly, so don't listen to me. but pool/overpool/and 12 pool shoeuld be fine with proper defense. 12hatch FE can have some trouble if you're not ready. Proxy's can be hard. 12pool can pull it off with strong micro... I would think
vs Terran I'd recommend either 12hatch or 9pool speed. You can do all sorts of things out of either builds. 12pool is perfectly viable though.
3) I usually go crackling-ultra and then when/if they get too many archons, I switch to hydra-ultra. This is just me, I'm not sure what good players do.
4) Meh it's more of a rounded triangle. Each build has a slight advantage over another build... to a degree.
Dunno, I'm just a D+ Zerg... Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will correct me where I'm wrong?
1) You're never going to be able to hotkey every single zergling because you get so many. hopefully if you have 5 control groups you can move the rest quickly enough with box click I think? I'm not a zerg player though.
2) Vs normal 2 gate I think 12 pool is best and vs proxy 12 pool is probably best as well. Vs T I think you may as well 12 hatch unless you are fearing a bunker rush in which case 12 pool is safer.
3) Well if you can afford it ultra/hydra is quite strong since archons are best counter to ultra but hydras mop archons up pretty quickly so in order to deal with it toss needs to have a lot of unmorphed hts for storm which means they have less archons to deal with ultras.
4) eh, the BO triangle has largely been disproved. It may put you at a disadvantage but if you lay better you can still win. And yes depending on map 12 hatch can defend 9 pool, if a colony is made and morphed right when pool pops and bases are fairly distant (like cross positions on luna) then I think 12 hatch can come out ahead vs 9 pool.