At my job i work basically the lowest position at my golf course. There are people above me, who have the ability to get me fired, who are complete idiots to the point were im just utterly confused. I have currently worked there for three years, this being the fourth, in the three previous years one of my duties has been to collect balls from the range, which took about 1 and a half hours to do. This fourth year, they have taken out the range, and so one of my duties has gone also. My hours have not changed tho, so hypothetically if i work for 5 hours I should have 1 and a half hours of free time, since the range previously took up this time.
Im having an extremelly difficult time with the people in the higher position then me. They are extremely hypocritical, there job is to answer the phone and deal with customers, which leaves them with a lot of spare time some days. My job is to park carts, at the golf course, so you can imagine on an extremely slow day, on top of the 1 and a half hours i have a load of other spare time as well. But my bosses don't let me do anything with my spare time. When i walk into there working area, on a slow day they are usually talking amongst themselves, or watching tv. When I ask what they are doing they reply that they are waiting for someone to call, or come in so they can attend to them. So I attempt to join in watching tv and talking. But of course, I have work to do, always. They ask me what am i doing, and i reply with almost the exact same reply they do, "im waiting on more carts to come in so i can attend to them" this of course is not a suitable excuse, so im sent outside to keep working, which usually results with me standing outside the building in the cold, by myself for a few hours. Sometimes they will give me tasks to do, other then the carts, sometimes they are joking which results in me being called a dumb ass, and sometimes they are not.
I think of myself as a ghost, my work is supposed to be done on time and good, but no one is supposed to notice me. I wasn't even invited to the staff party, which just to make it worse was right next door, and I could hear from my house. Also i had to work on staff golf tournament day.
This year I decided i couldnt stand another year like this. I decided to stop being a bitch, and start standing up for myself. I have started questioning my bosses, about all these hypocriticall things, and started giving my own suggestions on how some things should be done. Since i have worked there longer then some of my bosses, but they are "older and wiser". Because of this a lot of my bosses are annoyed and want me fired.
I find that I'm stuck between either being a bitch and doing good work, or not being a bitch and getting fired. I cannot go back to the way it was before when I was a bitch, I cant stand that. I see only two possible solutions, one would be quit, and the other would be, as much as i hate it go back to being a bitch.
I don't care much for the money i make there, but i get free golf for me and a friend, which is amazing. Im just not sure if its worth it.
id say quit that shit 
it's not some really good and well paid job... so not worth it imho
United States24579 Posts
So this is your fourth year? How old were you when you started? I think it's easier to give advice if we know that. I worked in a golf course at my university for two years doing carts and range, as well as occasional other jobs like riding around the course encouraging golfers to keep the pace up (I can't even remember what that job is called).
Tell them to fuck themselves, report their idleness to their superiors, and leave. Get a job somewhere else.
On June 02 2008 03:35 micronesia wrote: riding around the course encouraging golfers to keep the pace up (I can't even remember what that job is called). Ranger.
I would quit. Maybe you can get a job caddying somewhere. You still get free golf, usually good conversation, and sometimes good tips.
39489 Posts
I've never worked at a golf course but I am a golfer so I'm familiar with what sorts of tasks are being done, and your situation is horse shit.
Seek employment at a better course? Are you working at a muni or a private course right now?
39489 Posts
Micro it's called the Marshall.
I was in a similar position a while back. Quit! Find another job.
Golf course people are dicks 99% of the time.
Management is fucking lame as hell in places like that, they love to have power and be dickheads (again 99% of the time)
I worked at a country club here in lansing in the restaurant, not on the golf course, but saw first hand and even experienced the management staff there being ridiculous with their power trips.
Honestly, Id quit if you dont like working there and you think you can find another job that pays about the same, they basically make you do bitch work at places like that and you will probably never move up.
Being an avid golfer, ive played TONS of courses, and have known people who work at plenty of these courses, and unless you work at resort course you will most likely be treated like shit. Its just part of the deal.
United States24579 Posts
It seems like you don't have it quite as bad as it sounds though... they aren't overworking you... they just want you to disappear in the woodwork. There should be ways to take advantage of their attitude without taking advantage of your job.
Although having to deal with people like that does suck so hopefully you can get something better with your 3 years of experience under your belt.
Im working at a public golf course right now im currently 17 years old so that means i was like 14 when i first got the job. Just to give some more background info here. The head golf pro, who basically is the main boss, is my parents friends and lives right next door to me, my older brother also works there, and he is one of my lower bosses, like the ppl i was talking about. My position is called BackShop, and the dick fucks who i talk about are ProShop. A major event happened lately. Our security system at the course for the carts over night, is an exstention cord through all the carts, steering wheels which then connects to the security system. Someone stepped on that cord while it was plugged in, and ripped the wires right from the plug. I was working that night, so i got blamed for it, my boss asked me about it, and i said i didnt do it someone must have stepped on it. He blamed it on me completly, and even called me a liar for saying it wasnt me. I think im going to continue working there over summer, (for golf) and then quit when school starts back up again.
Canada6683 Posts
i don't know why you're confused. if you feel like you're being treated unfairly, just quit -_-;
This is what I did when I worked at Wal-Mart. My job was to bring in shopping carts from the parking lot. When I was done doing that. I would literally just walk around the store, "pretending" to be busy. When ever a boss asks what you are doing. You just say, "Oh I was about to go outside and check on the carts." I did this for a good solid 9 months, until I finally quit. No one complained, no one cared. Because they thought I was busy and a good worker. It's amazing what walking around and acting busy can do.
But yeah, your job sounds like crap. I'd suggest you just quit and find another one. More importantly your co-workers sound like assholes. Which is really a whole reason to quit in the first place. I can't stand working in a place where everyone is a dick.
I had a similar situation at a restaurant... I had my set amount of work each day, and then they'd pile on more work that someone else should have been doing (usually) on top of that, before I had finished my tasks, and expect me to finish both in the same amount of time. Then when I finished they'd pile on more stupid tasks. Or just pile more on before I finished those tasks. And it was always my fault if something went wrong, even when it was their fault. And there was always the obnoxious coworker who made jokes about it to try to rub in "my" failures. He was also the useless douchebag who half arsed his job so I had to work harder. He tried to pass it off as "training" me, but sorry... I'm busy trying to do stuff, and pulling in a cart with several hundred pounds of crap and leaving it in my main working area while you screw around isn't exactly training me.
Yeah, your situation pretty much garbage. I ended quitting after about a month, and that was a month too long (the turnover rate at that place was ridiculously high).
39489 Posts
On June 02 2008 05:25 nAi.PrOtOsS wrote: Im working at a public golf course right now im currently 17 years old so that means i was like 14 when i first got the job. Just to give some more background info here. The head golf pro, who basically is the main boss, is my parents friends and lives right next door to me, my older brother also works there, and he is one of my lower bosses, like the ppl i was talking about. My position is called BackShop, and the dick fucks who i talk about are ProShop. A major event happened lately. Our security system at the course for the carts over night, is an exstention cord through all the carts, steering wheels which then connects to the security system. Someone stepped on that cord while it was plugged in, and ripped the wires right from the plug. I was working that night, so i got blamed for it, my boss asked me about it, and i said i didnt do it someone must have stepped on it. He blamed it on me completly, and even called me a liar for saying it wasnt me. I think im going to continue working there over summer, (for golf) and then quit when school starts back up again.
hahaha btw the staff at Kapalua are basically 90% aspiring pros (teaching pros, club pros or otherwise) it's ridiculous.
I admire you for sticking through it, even though your bosses are dicks. I think everyone needs to have at least one crappy job so they have a genuine appreciation of how you have to work for the things you want in life.
With that said, I think you've done your time and you should definitely move on.