So I have to come up with a working title soon or else all the slots of my favorite supervisors will all be taken (deadline next week)
So my degree is Msc Internet Software System. I have to build some sort of a web application system, preferably something to do with enterprise-level/distributed system. Web Services system is also an option in my area but I'd have to do more research with it. Something web2.0/ajax style is optional but not really required for my degree.
I'm using frameworks like Hibernate, SPRING and Wickets so all the boilerplate code to deal with persistence, transactions, UI and stuff can be taken care off very quick. All I need is some good ideas.
Any ideas for an individual 3 months project? If some good ideas just cross your head right now then please post here before they go away.. need some inspiration!
what was your fyp topic?
+ Show Spoiler +List of current ideas - Web Service: Blood-donor finder system that use some location based system to find blood donors via their mobile device (of course the blood donors have to register first) in case of urgent need, instead of going through the blood bank system which takes too long in urgent situations - zdd: a food suggestion system based on google maps, google search, wikipedia, etc. Merely have the person plug in their location, favorite restaraunts/takeouts/whatever, and favorite food types, and it will automatically generate a food schedule for them for the next X years. then you can set it up to automatically order the food as well - phase: data mining
This might be too big, but you could try to create a system that allows people to donate their spare cpu cycles to nonprofit organizations, without those organizations having to write any code themselves. Sort of like an automated parallelization and distribution of any task that is fed into it, and then calculation, sorting, and compiling it all back into the result. I guess it would be like grid computing except over the internet and with multiple tasks instead of a single one.
This would be good for solving np-complete problems, because then for instance if you wanted to buy $13.07 or something worth of desserts from a list of like 60 different desserts (from xkcd comic), you could have the main computer focus on generating the list of desserts, like {apple pie, muffin}, {apple pie, muffin, muffin, cake}, etc. and then outsource the calculation of the total dessert price and equality test for $13.07 to the internet.
edit: you can also make a food suggestion system based on google maps, google search, wikipedia, etc. Merely have the person plug in their location, favorite restaraunts/takeouts/whatever, and favorite food types, and it will automatically generate a food schedule for them for the next X years. then you can set it up to automatically order the food as well
I think data mining is gold. People need data to make smart investment decisions, so there's a lot of money in that field. For example, you could say, the frequency of a certain company's name in the news in addition to certain other words, could affect their performance in the stock market on that day, or in the future.
I believe there are some private companies that do that already, and I'm not too sure exactly the scope of what they do. I'm not too sure how complex or simple your "final year project" can be, so hopefully that helps.
Also, for an example of one of my projects, for a semester long Web Design project course, me and my group did a Web2.0 style online file managing system (aimed to sort of mimic windows explorer)
zdd: the grid computing stuff is not in my area so I really need lots of extra work there, not to mention that the idea is already huge itself. But the food restaurant searching and ordering idea is very golden, plus i can make use of the web services that already there. nice nice
phase: yeah i'm thinking about some topic that is practical and the first thing that comes to my mind is data mining. I just know the surface of data mining though but haven't really dig in. Is it difficult? lots of math and stuff? I'm not bad at statistics and I don't mind doing some work on pattern recognition though. My "fyp" supposed to be complex
thanks for your respond guys
EDIT: on second thought about the web services stuff, it is still being developed, wsdl looks so ugly.... but it's nouvelle so I may be able to get some extra credits