Osaka27105 Posts
I, for one, commend you on this daring and brave action. Should you fall into the hands of the enemy, be rest assured that SOMEONE ELSE will take up the live reporting reins, until the day in which your persecution is lifted.
God Speed.
gogogogogogogogo! Best of luck to you!
You shouldn't be denied the right to live Starcraft... noone should.
Good luck!
Try hard in school.
san jose?
thats cool, im up in los altos
Where does the rebel yell fit into this?
just listen the song, and instead of crazy sex, just think of starcraft
just some advice:
Do good in school, go to college, get a job, get a house, and then you can watch SC in all your free time without people complaining.
Good luck for tonight though.
post your home phone # and TL will call and explain to your dad the consequences of his actions