This season I have decided to mass game in order to get better. This is my third day doing this season as I am not allowed to play except on Friday/Saturday/Sunday due to school. Last season I played 16 games 1x1 and 25 games 2x2, this season I plan to play at least 200-400 games.
On Friday I played about 7 games, 1 win and 6 losses. On Saturday I played about 40 games. I had a losing streak of about 17 games but then I was able to win about 14 games out of the remaining 23 games. Today it is getting easier, I've played about 12 games and won about 8 of them. So my record is 21-38, 1775. I'm hoping to get D+ by tonight.
ZvZ: 4-8 (33%)
ZvP: 12-19 (39%)
ZvT: 5-11 (31%)
So most of my matchups are fairly even. Most of my losses versus protoss were 2 gate zealots and corsair/reaver, vs. Terran it was mostly marine pressure into expand (I've been trying to use 12 pool a lot due to a ton of BBS and bunker rushes, it's worked quite well. Earlier I was somewhat 2-8 but with 12 pool I've won 3 games out of 6. Versus zerg it's mostly a micro problem vs scourge.
So my apm now is:
ZvZ: ~130 ZvT: ~140 ZvP: ~170
out of iCCup I was able to win 2 ZvT and 4 ZvP. I'm happy with the results so far from playing lots of games on iCCup. I'm getting a much larger understanding of the game from a ZvP and PvZ perspective, and a little on ZvZ and ZvT. Sadly I don't have a teacher for those matchups and they are my worst.
I rarely play ZvZ as well, but I've been playing some Random vs Random to further my knowledge of other matchups such as PvT/TvP, etc. I hope that playing a lot will not only increase my skill as a player but give me much more feel for the game and be able to recognize certain things and aspects of the game, thus allowing my future commentaries (which I haven't done much because of high school being very busy) to be much better.
I have recognized my main weaknesses (2 gate zealots where they wall of their ramp and take expo easily after applying good pressure, and from my strategy thread I learned that I have to adapt to them, not have them adapt to me, and 2 gate reaver/sair which my teacher told me how to counter better)
I still need lots of training ZvZ and ZvT but I don't have anyone to teach me those matchups.
How do I find out my APM. Link to the program?
Osaka27125 Posts
hmm just mass game if you want to get better at those matchups and find out which counters which by watching reps... as well as practicing better macro micro(i don't think 130-150 apm works at your level iirc). seems to be the best solution for some people, including me.
Thanks for the links guys.
Calgary25964 Posts
Wow good job powering on. I usually play until I lose and then just quit out of frustration. O_o
One of those ZvP wins was vs me. Don't know if you remember, but I'm Sc0rpion
:D I played bad ;_;
On September 10 2007 13:46 Zeenix wrote:
:D I played bad ;_;
way to steal his thunder T_T
Haha... I remember that game... 
D+ now! My goal is C (I like to set high standards so if I don't make it then I'll try harder next time, if not, yey)
goodluck getting c
On September 10 2007 13:52 Superiorwolf wrote:Haha... I remember that game... 
If I hadn't tried cannon rushing you with like 4 pylons desperately trying to block you, I would have done a little better 
It worked vs some other Zerg so I tried doing it vs you. I positioned it all wrong because I didn't use the pylon to block, but instead just made the pylon next to the hatcery ;(
I should play ICCUP again. I went 6-0 on one account, 1-5 on another. Lol -_-
i wish i could game 40 games in a day
thats straight insane
teamliquid takes too much time to look at
40 games a day would slay me :[
hmm superiorwolf, if you want i can help you out a bit with your ZvT, i'm not pro or anything, but since i'm probably better then you i might be able to help you out. my ICCup 1on1 stats are combined (from last season) about 10-3? something like that, but it was spread and i didn't really care. Either way if you want some help.
Aim = linkinparrk2289 MSN = linkinparrk2289@hotmail.com
also i'm monkeyspanker on hamachi :D
Sweet I added you, I play 2x2 too maybe we could be a team sometimes if you're on