So a couple of months back my GF made me a GG NO RE shirt...which is fucking awesome. Anyway, today was the first day of school so I pull out the first shirt from my closet which just so happens to be my GG NO RE shirt!!!!!!!
I get to school and in my first class my teacher starts asking us about topics that interest us. Some guy starts talking about video game violence and how It's messing up our children BLAH BLAH BLAH. That somehow spiraled into a convo about WoW and how so many people are addicted to it.
My teacher then asks if anyone of us have ever felt addicted to video games. I raised my hand saying that I "used to play starcraft all day." I began to tell the class about how I would sometimes stay up all night playing SC or forget to eat because I would be so into the game. Of course, I made all this sound as if it were years ago so that I wouldn't sound TOO geeky. I scan across the faces of my classmates and realize that they're looking at me as if and had terminal cancer and had only seconds to live.
The teacher expresses her amazement by the fact that a computer game could consume peoples lives like that and then she starts talking about something different.
I get up to go the to bathroom and I hear my teachers voice say, "What's GG NO RE mean?" I was like FUCK! "umm its just a saying for like...video games n stuff", I said. she replies with "yea...but whats it stand for?" "ummm...Good Game No Rematch"
Then I just walk out and when I get to the bathroom I bust out laughing about how awkward that was. anyway...i got gg no re'd.
edit : posting picture + Show Spoiler +
Salute you! If only we all had the courage, then we can say we play starcraft without feeling weird about it.
United States24513 Posts
Haha I mentioned Starcraft to my professor of a sociology of sports undergraduate class and he was so intrigued by what I described (and linked him to in an e-mail) that he brought it up in class and started asking me about it in a lecture of 350 people ._.
Pics of the shirt or it doesn't exist.
(tell your gf to make me one )
i actually do have pics of it...maybe i can develop them this weekend
I made a speech on this topic when I was 16.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
balls of fucking steel. I would never publicly admit to staying up all night foregoing dinner to play video games
Caliban, you are a nerd.
[B]I get to school and in my first class my teacher starts asking us about topics that interest us. Some guy starts talking about video game violence and how It's messing up our children BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Would have smashed him.
But yeah.. you got pretty much gg no re'd.
I am proud to have a gamers tan. I am proud to be a nerd. Well yeah... Texas... Idk.
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
Still better than wearing a cap that has "G-_-G" written on the front, right?
Well that makes sense seeing as we are all nerds. You should just embrace it. I'm completely confident in my nerdiness and this might sound weird but ladies like that. Being comfortable with yourself says a lot. But ya, even nerdy people look down on wow players
lol nice read and nice conclusion
hahaha, yeah, id never publically admit to a class some of the gaming marathons ive had.
but this:On August 24 2007 21:09 TheFoReveRwaR wrote:But ya, even nerdy people look down on wow players
is 100% true haha. its like how people in jail look at rapists. they are just a lower life form
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
i thot nerds were people who look at dos codes and shit and try to find holes and faults in them and live in bash.org
i actually look up to the really good gamers and think of them as commanders and very intelligent individuals like chess players and shit