No one in the media will listen to what you have to say. There are thousands of similar cases that happen at all major universities. The university will simply tell you that are not what they are looking for in a student.
Canada7170 Posts
You don't get it.
I am graduating a year early.
I have already taken university courses. (This screwed me over)
I have won at least 5 major math competitions, and my average is higher than their guaranteed acceptance percentage. Not to be arrogant, but I can see no reason why they wouldn't accept me.
find some one and talk to him about it. if worse comes to worse, go to another uni.
Canada7170 Posts
On August 22 2007 00:28 haduken wrote: find some one and talk to him about it. if worse comes to worse, go to another uni.
Yeah, I've been accepted in my home city, problem being I can't live with my mother, and that I really really really want to get out of the house (I would almost forgo a year of education to leave).
I am going to speak personally to someone if the issue is not resolved by Friday.
This is a harsh reality of life. Universities are among some of the most disorganized, ass backwards places .
I assume you've already sent multiple e-mails to different people in different levels of the admissions/registrar/financial aid departments? If you meet with somebody, make sure to find someone higher up on the chain--make sure and insist you don't get directed to some secretary or person working a line, as they have to deal with infinite people per day and don't know the details too well.
Good luck.
Canada7170 Posts
Very good point. So far all the big wigshave been busy, and all I've had to deal with are secretaries who seem to be very pissed with me very fast.
Canada7170 Posts
Try the pest-that-won't-go-away technique. If you ask to see someone and they won't let you, insist you will and then stick around for an hour or two looking bored. Eventually they may try to get rid of you by giving you what you want. If you can find out where somebody's office is, try knocking on their door or just waiting in front of that.
Do you know anybody who works at the university? Getting a professor, for example, to ask questions and probe around for you helps you out, because universities listen more to their own.
Try writing down everything you want to say. Maybe you aren't as clear as you'd like to be when you're speaking in person. Having a written explanation of your situation can help you explain yourself, and having copies to slip under doors can't hurt either.
arghhhhhhh im in the same position as you kinda. spent the last 2 hourso n the phone with various depts at my school. Apparently im locked out of registering for classes for some unknown reason. They didnt even fucking readmitt me to school (i was suspended :x ) unitl like a week ago, a full 3 months or so after registration is done.
Problem is, I work full time til 6, m-f, so night classes are my only option are night classes. as it stands, i have one class and they all start in 2 weeks and im still waiting for the stupid administrators calls -_-
You probably screwed up your application status. You probably were so proud of those college courses you decided to submit your college grades and everything as if you were a college student. I made those grades part of my high school transcript.
I finished 2 full terms of college. That didn't affect me in any way for any American college.
---- You're going to take your case out to the media?
Sure, let's say you win your case. Universities are supposed to give you financial aid and treat you like a high school student. So you've shamed an entire university just to do that. Then, you reapply to schools. Nobody will accept you. Even if they are forced to accept you, they will only give you minimal scholarship because you've proven to be an asshole.
That is, IF you even can take it to the media. Nobody knows you; you're just a high school student as we see it.
Woooo UofA! Represent!!! (I was part of the '06 Engineering Physics grad class). UofA is a top notch research school and I don't know if any but a select few in Canada can even touch it in terms of science research. Their facilities are some of the best in the world. But that said, because it's so research based and the profs often only teach 'cause they have to', it can be a tough place to be an undergrad =]. I don't mean this in a bad way as the quality of the education is still top-notch - but profs who treat their teaching as an annoyance can be somewhat unpleasant.
So what do you mean about University classes? Like AP classes taken in Highschool? If that's the case, you shoulda just left mum as the word. What I mean is that you shouldn't have included them on your admission and just retaken them in University. The purpose for this is that 1) you avoid situations like this and 2) you'll end up behind the people who took the 'real' course due to a certain degree of difference in how challenging and thorough said courses are.
But then again, if that's not what you are referring to than just disregard everything I just typed =]
On August 22 2007 01:56 mikeymoo wrote: Very good point. So far all the big wigs have been busy, and all I've had to deal with are secretaris who seem to be very pissed with me very fast.
If you really are as good as you say you are, many US/CA universities will take a look at you and place you accordingly. There are a myriad of other schools out there and you should browse more. People won't listen to what you have to say simply because there are too many applicants to process and if they already said no, it probably means they don't feel you're a good fit into their school
Canada7170 Posts
Flaccid: I took classes at the University of Calgary because I finished my high school math a bit early. So no, it's not AP or IB or whatever else.
WhatisProtoss: I didn't intentionally screw up my status. I also cannot submit my University marks as high school marks because they want an "official high school transcript" which comes dirently from my provincial government's education department. There was a checkbox for "Have you ever attended University classes?". I can't lie. I don't want to fill out the application improperly. Under "anything else we should know" I explained my entire situation in detail. It's not because I was incredibly proud, but more that I'm a stickler for filling things out correctly (I'm one of the guys that likes reading terms and conditions of websites). As for the media bit, it's more of an implied threat than anything. Like I've said earlier, there is no reason to deny my entry, and if I am treated as a post-secondary student (in terms of entry procedures) on a technicality, I'm gonna be really pissed.
It's good that my sister is already up there, because if I still needed to apply for res, etc. this would be complete hell.
Canada7170 Posts
On August 22 2007 04:27 Daranee wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2007 01:56 mikeymoo wrote: Very good point. So far all the big wigs have been busy, and all I've had to deal with are secretaries who seem to be very pissed with me very fast. There are a myriad of other schools out there and you should browse more.
I can't afford rez. We have houses in both Calgary and Alberta, and it's just an undergrad, so I guess I'll stay for now. I plan on taking a major in the US.
United States24513 Posts
If you haven't already physically met with an admissions officer, I suggest you do so. It's much harder for them to BS you when you can make a compelling argument to their face. If somehow that doesn't work but your heart is still set on that school, try to meet with the highest ranking member of that campus that you can. In college, sometimes the only way to get what you want is to go over the heads of everyone who failed to help you.
For example, my roommate freshman year had a sophomore year girlfriend who told me a story of how she needed to enter a specific class in a specific semester in order to finish her major in 4 years. The class was closed before her registration date. She asked her adviser to open an extra slot for her, but they refused. She asked the head of the department to overrule the decision, but they refused. Finally, when she went to the president of the entire university of Maryland at College Park, she got what she wanted.
if you got accepted and you were as smart as you say you were/are, then why didn't' the university give you a scholarship? instead of being "shafted on scholarships" (or is it different up there in canada?--not a joke.. a legit question). i ask because universities kill for students with great academics so they can raise their schools' GPA.
if you are registered in the schools system, just print out your university schedule and go to classes... you are "in the system/school", how else were you able to register for classes?? ------------------------
about open/closed classes. some universities operate differently. you don't always have to talk to higher up people. you can just go up and politely ask the professor him/herself--its technically THEIR class, not anyone above them.
Canada7170 Posts
azndng: I have conditional acceptance; I'm just worried because they are taking an awfully long time getting back to me. I just asked a couple of my friends who are also going there, and they have not received news either. I just came back from Europe after 2.5 weeks and it's likely that I'm overreacting. But I did get shafted on specific scholarships because I was not technically a high school student. I got other scholarships, but I feel like I got screwed on these particular ones. And to note, I know I come off as if I think I'm really smart; I'm not. I used to be, and thanks to not caring (I want to be a musician, not a fucking engineer) my marks dipped and I just passed the guaranteed acceptance percentage. So it's natural that my academics don't look so good right now. The university indeed gave me an entrance scholarship, but i'm talking about the ones outside of the University. As I understand it, the US system is more heavily subsidized based on marks, and that scholarships are generally easier to come by (but I guess you can't answer, as you haven't tried for Canadian ones )
Anyway. I am feeling much more confident that my admission will get through. It's just a bit of a shock to come back and not have any new news (my parents can't check my admission status because, well, they're not me).
Thanks for caring TL!
Canada7170 Posts
Alright, so I got in this morning. They lost my transcript from the other University, and didn't bother to tell me, so my application was incomplete >_< .
Anyway I'm in. YAY ^_^