So I missed out on the one week no-masturbation competition but I like the the idea of testing my self-control so I thought one week? I can do a month! As from today August 13th until September the 13th 2007 I will endeavour to do my best to stick to this rule and keep this blog updated with my progress. If anyone else is interested in joining me I would welcome the motivation that competition would bring. With one big exception- in my version of the competition sex is still allowable. Now some of you may say that this will make things too easy. However in my case I only get to see my girlfriend on the weekend (as we don't live together and we're too busy during the week) and having a girlfriend hasn't really reduced my maturbation before. In doing this I'm not condemning masturbation or does who partake as morally inferior- its just I find this kind of competition interesting and I think it will make me appreciate sex even more. So anyway, here goes.
this is nothing but one of Beyonder's jokes, it's friggin pointless.
I kind of got the feeling that Beyonder was joking but I still like the idea anyway. It may be pointless but arguably so is masturbation and many other things in life.
I wish you best of luck and strongest of mind, fair Sir.
I've merely lasted 3 days, and even then I was struggling before. Old habits are not as easily brushed off (pun not intended) as it appears. I will not even begin to think about joining you here, seeing as my balls would likely be the size of Brazil on my birthday, September 19th then.
Again, good luck, I think your girlfriend will appreciate it. ^^ Less wanking, more spanking harhar.
On August 13 2007 08:04 Cpt Obvious wrote: Old habits are not as easily brushed off (pun not intended) as it appears.
??????????? what pun
Again, good luck, I think your girlfriend will appreciate it. ^^ Less wanking, more spanking harhar.
Netherlands15103 Posts
The internet is only serious business
So far, so good. 
Last night was very difficult, almost succumbed. Its only when you do something like this that you realise just how much pornographic material there is on TV. Damn french 'art' movie about a teacher/professor and one of his very ample-breasted pupils almost got me. Have to exercise more caution in selecting what channels I watch.
Still haven't succumbed 6 days and counting but things got a lot tougher. I coudn't see my girlfriend this weekend because she was sick so now I'll have to make it all the way until next weekend with no relief! What bad timing! Going to have to be extra careful this week. No watching the channel which has the lingerie models on.
you know what? I join to your challenge :D
it will last till 20 sept for me
On August 20 2007 05:41 freelander wrote: you know what? I join to your challenge :D
it will last till 20 sept for me
Alright, nice one! Good to have some more moral support. I'm still... just... hanging in there... I'm not sure if this related or not but I seem to have become more absent-minded recently too. Anyway, so far 11 days.
Take this!!!
I respect your endeavor, and I hope to make it more challenging