![[image loading]](http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/2669/ggfp8.jpg)
i thought i'd have to halt the run of weird pics being featured with the rep packs since ggplay is a rather reserved fella, but fifo really saved my ass with this one. <3 fifo~
ok finally, here are 31 reps of ggplay[gsp]! apologies if i took too long to make a zerg pack. these games are from 1.10 to 1.14. you'll need the old executable files to watch them. this pack features games against players such as reach, anytime, iris, h.o.t, and nada. once again, these reps were ripped off from yaoyuan, yglan, etc etc. any feedback is appreciated, and i will update the pack if more reps are available/duds need to be removed.
taiche's awesome utilities thread for misc tools, rexplorer
a basic guide to rexplorer