Eventually I was back at ICCup, hungering for wins. I played sMi.WannaBeCool four games where I took him down 3-1, and I let out a sigh of relief. Finally some wins!
Next person to challenge me was..... a korean terran. "Shit" was my reaction, but I thought hey, fuck this! I'm sick of you korean terrans stomping all over my balls it's time to pull off some lame shit.
I dtdrop him game one, he had no clue of what hit him, he lost a bunch of supplys and a couple of scvs and I was able to run him over with speedlots / goons soon after.
Game two, I send in two zealots in the beginning, they didn't hurt him at all, I send in 2 dts, he has turrets up. But alas he did not turret his expo so I'm able to stall his expo while putting down my own and add a stargate (1 expo arbiters motherfucker!). So I sit there quietly expoing while hiding my arbiters, and when he moves out I stasis his balls off, and I manage to win the game quite easily.
Game three he thought it'd be a good idea if he played protoss and did the same vs my terran. Too bad I already knew he'd be too pissed to play straight up, dtrushing me? Not today man. Follow it up with a dtdrop? Hey it's not you playing terran this time buddy.
As I'm a competitve person by nature, my mood tend to follow how I do in various competitions (this time, a computer game lol) Which is why I might seem a little bit more happy now than before ;O
I know that I haven't kept you guys updated with my FPVods these two days, I simply felt I was playing like shit and I didn't want to record any vods. But I thought I might post a replay pack containing my games from ICCup so far. They are all replays of me winning, because i'm too much of a sore loser to save any losses :/.
So here you go:
http://files.filefront.com/ICCup Chinorar/;8035367;;/fileinfo.html