Sup! You know what i just did? I got into my room to write on the diary, it's already night so i can't see shit and put the book on a table while i fumble for the bedside table. I can't find it on the first time so I lay face down on the bed and reach out my hand and get it on the first time. So I turn it on and no light comes on, so I'm thinking, what the fuck? Have I already blown the fucking lamp? So I stand up and sure enough, there's actually light flooding the room. How fucking stupid is that? I just had my eyes closed...
That sort of thing is so hillarious. Like when you're looking for something all over the place, and after a while you notice you have in your hand. It's even worse with a hair band, you know, the big ones, not the ones you use in a pony tail. You put the thing around your neck to get all your hair, but get distracted in the process and you forget you have the hair band around your neck. Took me fifteen fucking minutes to notice last time it happened, i went to the toilet to take a piss and i saw it in the mirror, go me!
So stupid anectdote out of the way, I can do a proper intro now :D. First of all, you probably won't find anything deeply inspiring in here, or any coherence whatsoever, I like jumping around to different topics as you may have noticed.
This is basically a little window to my mind, the mind of a rather unremarkable 22 year old who hails from Spain, studies Physics and enjoys writing his thoughts down, nothing fancy or enlightning.
If you must know something else about me, I was born in 17th of May 1985, in a town by the name Redondela in Galicia, pretty close to Vigo, in my mother's bed. That's right, I wasn't born in a hospital. I spent my child hood in this town and used to be quite the troublesome youth, but then I turned good when I got to 14 for some reason, became responsible and shit, you wouldn't have guessed it if you knew me as <12 years old.
Anyway, that's all for now, I'll try to update this a bit later, I actually have quite a lot of stuff written on the diary that i'll probably write down here.