About a year ago, I made a blog about heading towards unemployment (http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/524942-heading-toward-unemployment)
This is basically the follow-up to that blog.
At the start of this year I had some hope, I was still unemployed at that time but I was assigned to attend a course about the job market and learn about how to get a job. This was fine and all, I attended the course which lasted about a month. I learned a lot, went to some interviews, almost got hired on one of them, but still. After one month I was still unemployed.
So after that course, I was on my own. I kept applying and got some more interviews, did pretty good, but still no job offer. At this point I was pretty demotivated, being 21 without a meaningful income for well over six months had me feeling down. I didn't know what to do, I thought, in my mind, that going to school, getting good grades & finishing all my years and getting approved on paper that I can work with IT was good enough to get a starting job but I guess not. It sucks.
However, in August this year, almost exactly one year after I went unemployed I got a call from a sales company that wanted me to come to an interview, this was a weird situation because I had been there in January for a interview and got rejected but now all the sudden they wanted me to come have a chat with them again. So, I just thought, why not right? What do I have to lose. Nothing, So I visited them a second time and somehow managed to get hired right on the spot as a door seller. Now, this wasn't what I orignally wanted, I wanted to work with IT, but what the heck, I was unemployed making 600$ in welfare bucks a month. I had nothing to lose. Seller? Sure, I can do that.
So for about two weeks I felt pretty good about myself, finally a meaningful job, something to do. The pay was shit and I was working 7-9 hours walking 20km a day with next to no food or water but again, what the heck, I'm a man with no other options. So I never complained, I just worked hard for my money. Then, after about a week after that I started getting poor results. As a door seller, you have to have very thick skin, many people rejected me at the door saying phrases like "Your not getting sales today" "We don't talk to people like you" and I was getting 1-2 sales a day when I was supposed to get 8. So I got into trouble with the leader because I was doing so bad, on top of that we only get paid per sale so I was making next to no money now. I was given a few more days to get my sales up but failed to do so, and I ended up getting fired. So after being in a job for a little over a month I was back to square one. The funny thing is I only made a little bit more money working for that company than I would in the same period of time being unemployed. I made like 700$ for that month.
Now, don't get me wrong. It was 100% my fault that I got fired but it wasn't my kind of job, I wanted to keep the job but I was making borderline no money after the first two weeks and they couldn't tolerate that so I got laid off.
Man, many people say being young is so great but this is the darkside, if you can't get a job (or keep one) your on thin ice. My lack of experience makes me uneligable for most jobs and once you're unemployed most companies don't want anything to do with you because they think something's wrong with you.
To make matters worse, I can't even reactivate my welfare money because my former boss wont send in the documents stating that I got fired and no longer work for them. Thus I can't get my application approved. I'm living on pure savings now and being backed up by my parents. Without them I'd be REALLY fucked right now. Adult life is hard as fuck, If you have any big flaws in your life/past, don't come live in Norway. This country will eat you up and spit you out and treat you like shit.
On top of that I don't even have any legal ID right now so I can't even buy a simple soda at the store because I have no bank card -.- (That will get fixed soon though)
I just want to work, get money and start my own life. Like other 21 year olds.
To sum this up in a short TLDR:
I had good grades in school, most teachers loved me, I've always been a nice guy/easy to get along with, I work hard, never lazy, always on time, yet no company wants to hire me and I get left in unemployment.
Here's to hoping 2019 shows me some love <3