I'm going to talk about the build. You Always go Bribe, no matter what. Bribe is what makes murky into a Macro dominating hero, and taking anything else is sub par. Then you want to take tufferfish if you can guarantee on your puffer fish surviving long enough in solo lane that it'll blow up. If you absolutely can't get your puffer fish off, and there aren't other lanes that are easier for you, then you go Living the dream.
At lvl 7, Here were you pick based on their comp and skill level. If the enemy team is good at zoning you, and keeping you at bay from their squishy blackline / healer, then you need to go Slippery when Wet. But if the enemy team is bad at zoning you, and the tanks aren't peeling, and letting you go to the backline to do whatever you want, then Time to Krill will give you a lot of value.
Lvl 10, This is a big decision, and you have to gauge this on both your team / enemy team skill level. If your assassins are getting outclassed by the other team, such as getting out of position in team fights, dying too quickly without providing value, then you have to go March. March isn't only a zoning utility but you can literally carry a team fight if you use it on the backline, and slippery when wet, is a good tool to position yourself for a good march.
If your team mates work well as a 4 man and are winning their 4v4's , and you have momentum , then octo grab is amazing. Octograb allows you to become a menace in the solo lane. You can catch people by surprise with a octograb combo.
Lvl 13, Rejuvenating bubble no matter what, it is the best talent in those selections. It combos so well with Lvl 20 big tuna kahuna, you get insane value and sustainability. Also, you don't want your healer to heal you most of the time, you want them to be healing your carries.
lvl 16, Toxic Buildup is REALLY REALLY good, you can basically duel most people in the game, and if they ignore you, you will kill their backline. I notice a lot of people go Fish Oil, but I never pick it, it is the worst in the talent tree. Wrath of Cod is OP if you feel they're tanky, as it takes 15% max life of anyone hit by the pufferfish. It combos really well with octograb as well.
Lvl 20, Big tuna kahuna no matter what. Big murky with healing bubble, you become an absolute menace at this point.
Your first hurdle you're going to have in HL being a Murky player, is the position of draft you're in, mainly because you can't guarantee that you can dominate a lane. So preferably, you would like to be at least 2nd 3rd pick or later picks, just so you have some information of what the other team is picking.
Your first step is to evaluate, who are the other teams Solo laners, and from there you evaluate whether or not you can beat them in lane. There's also skill matchups vs certain solo laners, and solo laners that just wreck the hell out of you, and I'll list a few of those.
Solo Laners that wreck you: Zagara, Alarak, Greymane, Butcher(If he sticks on your lane), Kerrigan, Hammer, and Samuro. By wreck, I mean these heroes will push you all the way back to your towers. Heroes that have HIGH auto attack dmg and speed, are really good against murky.
Solo Laners that you want to fight: Nazeebo, D.va, Azmodan, Blaze, Gazlowe, Rexxar, Lunara.
Magic users with slow Auto attack, are your best targets as murky to fight in Lane with, because of your lvl 4 Tufferfish, that has spell armor, so you're almost guarantee to have a very positive effect in your lane, and push them back to their towers.
When you're in lane, like a boxing match, you want to evaluate the skill and knowledge that the other player has about your hero. You see how many Slime hits he takes, or if he uses his dark swarm, before you throw down your Pufferfish. A lot of murky's matchups is about holding onto your puffer fish, and let them use their spell ability first, for then you have more of a chance to get your puffer fish to explode. If you feel that the dehaka player is zoning your puffer fish well, then you go into a 50/50 phase, where neither of you is really advancing in the lane. In which case, i would probably go living the dream and Slime him a whole bunch, to push him back in the lane.
It's the same case with sonya's whirlwind, Lunaras W' ability, and other Aoe abilities that both attack the puffer fish and murky, regardless if he's standing on it or not.
When to Push vs Team fight
Pre 10
If you dominate or go 50/50 in your solo lane, then the enemy has an invested interest in keeping you at bay, so they're force to 4v4 with your team mates. You must keep applying pressure, so it's a even fighting ground for your team mates at objective. One thing i like to do is have a save camera screen at objective and keep looking at how the battle is going. If your team is going 50/50 and the enemy team is really low hp, then I would rotate from my lane to help. If your team is losing badly, don't to help ever, as you're providing more value in your lane keeping one of them away from your team mates.
Unfortunately, it comes with the territory that pre-10 murky is at his weakest state, for this reason, the enemy team is very likely to win objectives before 10. This is ok, and you have to let your team mates know that it's part of the plan. If they do with objective and you have to defend vs a immortal, NEVER , EVER go to help clear it, Keep split soaking. You provide very little value vs a golem/immortal, and team fights when their team is grouped before 10. Force one of them to stick with you, or if the enemy team really commits to the push, trade buildings with them with your push, if they leave you unattended, or steal their camps with bribe.
Post 10
Again, you evaluate based on how well your team is doing, if you're ahead or not. If you're ahead, and your team mates is wrecking the enemy 4v4, stick on your solo and keep forcing 1 of them with you, but post 10, always rotate to objective when it starts, unless you're getting insane value in the solo lane. During objective, if you use your heroic ability and you secure 1-2 picks, and most likely going to win the objective, at this point you can split off, steal their camps or soak the furthest lane as you provided your value.
I know this is a lot of information, so i'll stop the guide here, and see how well you guys receive it. Let me know if you want more, I'll add video demonstrations, i'll zone in on specific micro vs certain heroes, and zone in the macro aspect of murky. Please let me know if there is something specific that you want to know, i'll be very happy to let you guys know

Also you can catch me while I'm streaming to see me play live,
Shoot a follow button, so you know when I'm online.
Thank you for reading guys
