Twas in second grade I found out that Gloria-Moki was the second fastest sprinter of the 4-grade school and I fell in love with her.
After challenging everyone who looked able to compete with me, I knew for a fact that nobody, not even from the older generations ever came as close to coming close to outrun me as she did.
She was the most beautiful, graceful and noble girl I had ever seen, and if she'd spend as much time running as I did, she'd probably be faster and that made me crazy enough about her to visualize her face in the sky every time I looked out the + Show Spoiler [{window}] +
Also catholic, angel-faced Moki was seductive in a jaded anime-girl, femme-fatale kind of way.
We got acquainted during a fate-stricken, unusually long ~45-minute shared wait for the trolleybus after an early-morning First-Holy-Communion prep session. Once it had arrived its capacity was brimful, and I enjoyed being pressed against her, feeling ham-handed euphoria as my senses overdosed on proximity to the source of her mesmerizing voice, which seemed to articulate pure light, come-hither-interluded by flirtatious sighs.
Unsure whether it was all in my head I never made a move on her. Instead I satellited her, compromising being nicknamed 'traitor', when I ditched my mates from my former high school class to join hers, just to increase the intake of whatever it was she was oozing.
Later, when she was studying veterinary medicine, her teachers' incompetence obstructed her from gaining the confidence to entrust herself with the lives of animals, so she wound up researching biochemistry, botany, evolutionary physiology and genetic engineering to experiment on a dime a dozen human candidates instead.
She found that similarly to how the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma Gondii evolved genes for an enzyme, critical to mammalian dopamine production -- zombifying mice unafraid, attracted even to feline urine -- for the sake of facilitating the completion of its biological cycle inside the gut of the cat, she could induce the production of natural, and even complex synthetic (although a fuckton more difficult and elegant) constellations of psychoactive compounds in fruit-bearing vegetation, using slime molds, bacteria, viruses and prions.
She devised a revolutionary process of harnessing the slime mold's logistic 'intelligence' to establish microscopic infrastructures, highways for gene-altering agents and raw material to circulate and intervene with surgical precision on stem cells, momentarily turning them cancerous; her secret spice recipe.
Subsequently she'd administer her virus and prion laden antidote cocktail (the recipe of which you probably couldn't make heads or tales of even if you were as fluent in speaking codon as her, which you'll never be so fuck off scrubnub, I'm talking over 10000 mnemonics, none of them obscene), that coerced the cells to incept a set of new instructions, and forced their transformation and aggregation accordingly, to become psychoactive-compound mass-producing powerhouses.
She would later add phage viruses (she discovered in phytoplankton, by disintegrating them in a solution containing slime mold and monoclonal antibodies -- which she used hydra protein antigens to generate, and isolating the gene blueprint, then virus-injecting it into cells from the cell-antibody precipitation, and finally reconstructing them in slime-mold cell cultures) to clean up or balance out the chaos.
The possible outcomes of the experiments amounted in a win-win-don't care situation, varying in desirability.
One bigger win occurred when too many cells remained cancerous, fusing with singular mold eukariots and sheltering them from the phages, laying dormant until ingested by unsuspecting test subjects, who were delighted to buy some sumptuous fruit from a hypnotizingly pretty, young lady as herself, harnessing the memory of her visit as pretext for a quick rub-off before bedtime while chowing down the produce, resulting in near instant hybrid proliferation, constipation of blood vessels, momentary exitus and virtually everlasting coma, as the hybrid reanimated the resulting biologically immortal corpse, feeding on otherwise decay-inducing bacteria and fungi, in turn supplying nutrients to the enslaved metabolism.
Because then she could collect samples of it and further her ambitious 'Hydra' project, aimed at maintaining the purity of her angelic form forever, the progress of which already manifested itself in an elevated level of muscle tissue performance and endurance, via the occasional combo of a lachrymation-inducing salve -- containing the symbiont she had isolated from my tears of joy after feeding me a peach with hybrids and angeldust, and genetically engineered hazelnuts -- imbued with the compounds of a breed of cannabis she dubbed Polaris Aurora -- which she figured was fit for in-tandem commercialization.
The lesser of two wins was characterized by an insufficient degree of resulting cancerous leftovers, enough however to limit the dose and potency just right to create a popular merchandise, like her Magic Mushroom Melon she'd sell along with a plain banana, that wound up levitating and talking according to feedback. Generating recurring demand -- for what she had the monopoly of supplying satiation for, was a prolific financial endeavor.
If there were no cancerous cells to stall the potency of the dose, it drove the test subjects mad in a subtle, yet entertaining way. Regardless of outcome, nobody would ever suspect her.
The hardest part about moving away was never to hear from her again {until fate rostered us into a game of voice forum mafia together, and we met face to face a couple of months later, in a secluded park during nighttime.
and changed styles from a fresh double pony tail to a dull curtain-like appearance -- to reduce the amount of superficial encounters with people devoid of substance -- who couldn't have helped but insult her intelligence with pesky flirts otherwise, were unnecessary -- as they would've paled in comparison with regard to communication effectiveness, relevance and class to the flash synchronization that occurred effortlessly the instant we looked in each others' visages, yielded to a less loquacious 'you haven't changed one bit' instead; the second worthiest use of my lips, tongue and breath to be manifested in this supreme moment.
In favor of it was the property of conveying that I understood her uniqueness, since let's face it.. there are billions of brunettes who'd dye their hair blond for a million bad reasons but only the Gloria I knew and loved would do the opposite for the superlatively correct one.. I could've kissed her; the only thing questionable being whether this ragged world deserved, had any kind of merit to cover the event of us being in the same place at the same time once more.
Blasé, as if a routine exercise of our natural prerogative our decision, so unambiguous a gesture that it would only kid itself if it interpreted it deviant from a humiliating no: we had enough of carrying the world. Maintaining conspiratory eye contact we shed our garbs and went for a run.}}
Pleiing[] yraund in dy visiniti yv mai sk7ul in sekynd greid, ai faund aut 2wt gloria}{moki uqz dy sekynd fwstyst sprintyr yv 2y A-greid skul wnd ai fel in lyv ui3 hr.
wftyr[] cwlynjing evriuqn hu l7kt eibl t7 kympiit ui2 mii, ai ~iu for y fwkt 2wt noubadi, nat ivyn from 2y oldyr jenyreixyns evyr keim ws klyus t7 kaming klyus t7 autrqn mii wz xii did.
xii[] uqz 2i most bi7utif7l, greisf7l wnd noubl gyrl ai hwd evyr siin, wnd if xiid spend ws myc taim rqning ws ai did, xiid prqbybli bii fwstr wnd 2wt meid mii kreizi inyf ybaut hwr tu vi1uylaiz hr wnjelik feis in 2y skaai evri taim ai l7kt aut 2y uindyu, wnd meik yp sili storiiz ybaut as.
A question for my t0 students: What letter does this 3-dimensional post-text resemble when visualized properly, what's the function of this expression: {}P, and why would I call the overarching theme of this exercise: "long-jymping"?
das[] xv`yste am vek*iin[] va nimyr fon iiy *u h95n, bis viy du5's xikzaal[], gemeinzam auf eine xtim-fo5um-mafiaxpiilyrliste[], heraufbexvoyn vu5dn und viy uns an paa[] monaty[] xp`ty, fon angyzi't[] yu angyzi't[] in ainym abgyl`gnyn park[], na"* g`gn88byxtandn.
vw5nd[] viy konspi5atiif augnkontakt[] hiilten entl`digtn viy uns und gingn laufn.
^actually mod edit utimatum (either he edits it to that himself within 12h and gets away with a warning or else banhammer), because mods editing posts is not cool. Make this a bit more intelligent, why won't we?
These one-liner drive-by trolls are wearing warns like badges of honor.
To clear up any misunderstandings, and to provide a universally applicable and objective definition of trolling, I shall now elaborate on its nature and dynamic. Following the confirmation of the righteousness of my trolling management solution by the very troll it was meant to piss off -- and having my blog rated with the amount of affinity he or she has towards constructive policies regarding dealing with the likes of him or her, I trust this is a switch of topic hinting at impending loquaciousness, and therefore a welcome transition.
In order to save cyberspace I'll refrain from dedicating an extra blogpost to this, for now; so without further ado: The most defining characteristic of a Troll post is its pointlessness, other than to invert the constructive flow of ideas and their transmission, to assert a form of dominance of its proprietor over the target post. Only by belittling the effort, value, relevance or purpose of the target post is the troll able to legitimize his or her lack of purpose, relevance, value and effort, and he or she does this via unwarranted assumptions of the proprietor of the target.
For you see, the more effort, value, relevance and purpose the targeted post has, the more of a rush a troll gets upon pressing 'Post' and awaiting its consequences, within the safe confines of his sub-bridge dwelling -- psychologically speaking.
Trolls who are going to make a new account and post the insult with that are funny because they're at least putting in the extra effort, and therefore cannot be trolls, more on that later. A troll is going to try to first and foremost foster a history of pseudo-usefulness to the community that amounts in what others ought to perceive as a buffer of untouchability, because the more seemingly standard-abiding posts a troll accumulates the more impact he preemptively imbues his troll post with. That's why you see them commenting on the most mundane stuff saying shit just to seem helpful or, and this is the crux of this paragraph, integrated, as if to gather caliber for their opinion; carrying weight; representing; acting like they're at the forefront of this established army of freethinking but like-minded in their rejection spectrum people, the people who form the elite authorities on what is what.
A false paradox would be to assume that this is a way of making an effort. It's pre-target-post effort, and has no purpose other than to roll the persona snowball onward, until it's big enough to be thrown at someone's face, preferably someone engaged in doing something more useful than the troll could ever hope to have imagined himself doing, looking susceptible to sabotage, hopefully reducing him or her to the troll's level by making him or her want to return the favor, and abandon his or her constructive undertaking, so the he or she troll won't feel so alone. So he or she doesn't need to rethink his or her values either, upon having witnessed someone raising the bar far beyond his or her reach.
And that is why passing judgement as to whether it is in fact trolling, and determining its extent of gravity and calamity to the OP are inseparable from the target post, and the context of the medium, with all its dimensions like the troll's history on the site. Each post should therefore be scrutinized in establishing the true mentality of the troll -- whether its anchored in something genuinely substance-laden or a superficial disguise from where to strike from whenever he or she thinks he or she can get away with it, being left romanticizing his or her involvement in the psyche of everyone who read his or her troll post.. alas having achieved permanence -- for whatever the OP was building there there is thus incontestable proof of the troll having been involved in it, even if its just a bit of delay.
The worst that can come from misunderstanding what constitutes trolling is the putting on a pedestal -- reserved for those who are genuinely building circuits of awesomeness for all to benefit from, of people who are unable to however slowly, slightly advance towards, or even turn towards a direction remotely resembling that of the trajectory of awesomeness, because then people who don't know how to create value gain the ability to represent it and reap its primary perk: authority.
If there ever was such a thing as the perfect quantifiable reward for having caused something good or elegant to happen as a result of having done effort, or to a lesser degree at least attempting that finality, then it's the orgasm, the universal currency of base-level maximum joy. Whether we are conscious of it or not, every time we see someone do something awesome and enjoying the resulting empathy, we are imagining that we are giving out orgasms, a finite and valuable commodity we could have kept for our selves, but at one time or another one has to recognize that someone abided by a a high standard or even raised it, and every time that happens someone who is part of the solution -- not the problem, will go through this mental process of donating a gasm.
It is best to believe that there is an objective way of telling what is valuable -- as in deserving of being rewarded with a gasm -- and to a further extent of the beautification of the circumstances of achieving it, and to entask one's natural curiosity to mapping out that objectivity, and to profit from conforming and excelling at supplying it, accessible by the specific demand in an ever-changing environment. Trolls either honestly fail to harmonize at this, by tuning their online or real life endeavors to serve selfish and infantile goals, falling short on dedicating effort to generate value with a noble purpose, and achieve a delivery with superlative relevance to the receivers, or even themselves before clicking Post, or they fail willfully by confining their intentions to a malicious spectrum ranging from sheer unwillingness to treat a singular post with the according respect to being a trolling fanatic.
In the case of the former, the troll has himself or herself to blame if that is the case, but a society is to blame if it happens on a regular basis, for it is surely the misallocation of authority, and its uninspired application that left room for the perversion of being convinced to deserve a gasm for posts like this one. Whether effort, noble purpose, relevance and value are tuned according to objective awesomeness evaluation or not can only be said for certain once a post has been emulated to be perceived the way the poster perceived it, and to insinuate a poster is insane is more often then not a declaration of refusal to do so.
The constellation of these 4 cardinal elements that warrant a post being posted can be obscure, and builders might find joy in taking readers on a ride to explore its extent, easing into it at first, but the time spent exploring is time spent doing something other than asserting dominance or superiority, or in the most perverse cases parading having supposedly righteously decided -- for everyone who might see the target post and be influenced by it, that it's not worth their time, and genuinely believing to have done a service to oneself and the hive mind, by signaling it as such.
If a troll has all of the above negative characteristics, and doesn't mind being part of the problem and thus not attempting to redeem oneself by giving gasms, or if broke making it so as to replenish one's stash thereof and then giving some of them to those who build -- instead of those who can't and therefore risk devaluating one's brand with only oneself and to a lesser extent society to blame -- for making it too hard to pursue objective awesomeness research, the next step is to exercise subtlety and brevity. The former to extend longevity of haphazard masturbating at the expense of the universal value of a gasm, and the latter to insinuate common-sense, the twisting to suit the trolls agenda of which is the most effective method to gasmblock someone, i.e. to not only abstain from rightfully donating a gasm to someone who deserves it, but also skewing or contesting the applicability of jurisdiction of the logic governing gasm distribution for the case in question, and furthermore claim it to be a measure rooted in common-sense -- that is it would be silly to beg to differ, and ultimately truly achieving to sabotage gasm income, resulting in a lackluster yield of gasms and destabilization of post value (effort, purpose and relevance) to gasm ratio.
If the troll succeeds, his deeds are unpunished, is left to rave unhinged while gasms are unaccounted for, why would anyone make quality posts? Given enough time people will even lose a sense of what a quality post is, and then suddenly a troll can get away with deluding himself that his posts truly deserve gasms, and pretty soon the only ones on the site are those who ceaselessly have to belittle others to stand strong in this belief. If you ignore the troll, the troll will win. If you ignore the builder because you got your values mixed up, and you somehow are left in the belief that a builder is a troll, the trolls of the past have already won, and the builders of the future will be too frustrated to do what they do best -- deliver quality posts, because it feels like carrying the collective weight of a thousand trolls' inadequacy upon having posted an adequate, not to mention excelling one, and instead of basking in morally awesome-abiding righteously handed out gasms, one perceives the poverty of gasm hyperinflation and misappropriation, and it's them who are sad, the troll not so much.
The assumption develops that Trolls exist in a separate value continuum. Their dwelling needs little furbishing, yet they refuse to do it. Perhaps its because if they make the grandiose and glorious posting endeavors of their fellow forumites crumble, and bring it closer to resemble the way their bridge-ventral accommodation looks like, they can tap into and level with the value continuum of builders, and stand as their equal, with little to no effort spent, which has to mean they are superior by natural law, because in their mind project magnitude, content hierarchy, difficulty and elegance do not compute.
Natural law states that for equal amount of success, the individual who invested less resources and energy to generate the same amount of assets that are relevant for quantification as the other, is the victor. As an extension of this people like to think that if they had spent the same time and energy someone else has, that they would've achieved superior results, and therefore like to make excuses, which is a sure way of not adding additional value to one's post and instead belittling that of others, and ultimately silly, common-sense-wise.
The object of forums cannot be to inflate the capacity and substance of a post to a degree one would otherwise not have achieved without referring to RL. As a valid extension of this logic it should be reproachable when someone makes unwarranted assumptions of a supposed insufficiency inherent in the post, pertaining to an alleged RL mental condition that should make it so as to disqualify the value remuneration of the post. Whether the alleged information is the truth or a lie, there is no sensible argument in favor of publishing the supposition, more so, as I've clearly stated, if the target post is one that could potentially harbor legitimacy for the effort brought about in its creation, if the effort shouldn't suffice to stand as a clear deterrent for making malicious assumptions all by itself.
Generally, further interaction between the proprietor of the target post and the person suspected of trolling him or her with his post in question is to be desired to weed out any possible misunderstanding, however, as stated, that may not be what the drive-by oneliner troll perceives as his or her best interest, and he or she has all the defenses that lack of collective intelligence, unfit reprisal of civilization's authorities -- i.e. failure to amalgamate value production and authority, and society's negligence leave at his disposal. Trools which he'll use by basically not doing anything, automatically upholding the problem, more so leaving it in a state in which it can potentially aggravate itself.
The problem is not lying to oneself, but the fact that it obstructs people to feel good about themselves when they produced something that deserves being dished out gasms for. There is really no sensible argument to bring up anything related to RL, because it can only do harm, and is therefore confirmed mafia.
##Vote: Insinuating mental illness
A lynch has been achieved. Insinuating mental illness has died Day 0. It was+ Show Spoiler [Flip] +
and belongs on the TL Mafia subforum, exclusively in theme games with speakeasy-level degree of vulgarity explicitness.
On November 05 2016 21:20 Race Bannon wrote: Anyway, I got this idea for a haunted Halloween voice forum mafia game. Vocal input is recorded and then embedded into a post as usual (.ogg in audio tag), but players need to speak backwards.
To figure out how the things they want to say sound like when played backwards they need to record, reverse, and mimic it. ... I've tried this now, and it seems next to impo§ible. So nvm. Maybe once we invent and become fluent in a language which makes this easy, elegant and practical, as opposed to english which is horrible at it.
"To figure out how the things they want to say sound like played backwards they need to record, reverse and mimic it. I've tried this now, and it's easy. Rofllol @ you, scrubnub"
Godfathers were the jargon, music and movie producers, Verbal Kint, Marlon Brando, that guy from The Imitation Game probably ~ haven't seen it, the people behind Esperanto, the Goa'uld, Valyrian, Dothraki and Klingon languages, Snoop Dogg and the Yakuza all in one, in terms of talent, intelligence and creativity genotype needed to excel.
They were beacons and pylons of covert communication, coming up with lingo to infuse flavor with, and coerce newbloods into idolizing organized crime, attract henchmen or communicate instructions, on multiple levels and to multiple layers of the underground movement. While mobs without them keep loosing muscle to undercover operatives, the "father tongue" stalls the danger, keeping it from reaching higher ranked henchmen by creating informational buffers, coded with patterns, which the player with godfather experience updates at will as needed.
Jailkeepers graduated to wardens of reward, rating hosts on their diligence and flavor and players on their merit, infusing extra cash to those deemed legit and scoring a percentage of their networth later on if they remain free of incidents, loosing money if they don't.
Something about cops made their smurfs infiltrate and bust organized crime figures, by gathering incriminating evidence as undercover operatives.
Serial Killers had deviant motivation, idiosyncratic style and reward systems, fanatic focus and practicality to aquire, reinvent & implement their phenotype, i.e. unique brand of clandestine skillset.
For example, someone with a ludic spirit could come up with, and follow through on the idea-thread of perusing other sites in search of intriguing but unstable characters, approach them and glare them into trying out mafia when an opportune game is in planning, even giving away his ß to see what they burn down, AND collect the insurance money + ranting rights with a straight face.
This was what we were told, what was left after the aftermath of the cover-up. The truth however, was right there in plain sight
The Truth About 72 Hours Mafia
is a young chicken. Born in autumn, most unconventional for the poultry in the inconspicuous farmhouse in the town where the streets have no name, she was kept indoors, libero in the kitchen. The special treatment was to cease once her plumage growth warranted it. Safe from the back-of-the-head pecks of the other chickens and rooster, and lounging at temperatures never lower than 44 degrees during the unforgivingly cold winter nights, some of the perils she did face came from pissing off the dog, carbon monoxide poisoning because of the wood-burning stove's poor ventilation, and her caretaker growing tired of having to pick up her droppings, consequently prematurely exiling her into the barn, where the aforementioned were tetanus-tier stiffening, next level shivering, due to an insufficient degree of insulation from the -12 outside. How would she be able to wrap her little brain around the fact that pecking around the dog's bowl at a time where the canine is expecting to receive one of only two prepared meals of the day, sleeping close to the stove and leaping up on the table and shitting all over it were behavioral faux pas which would get her killed? Luckily the dog is an occasional coprophage and chows down on some of the poop before it gets noticed, hence the medic save.
This is a 8 player micro game × 2, meaning the same player base plays in two games, the 48h dayphases of which are played consecutively, one game's day being the night for the other, and you are invited to join. 2 Goons represent the scummy impulse of taking shits in inappropriate places. They have no say in who gets NKed (determined by a policy the intricacy of which only the medic gets informed of. He/she may choose to divulge it for the price of getting modkilled) Town consists of 5 Vanilla Townies and a 2-Shot Medic, symbolizing the amount of patience the caretaker has left. The flavor theme for the second game will not be revealed at this time.
Official signups due to start soonish. Accepting reservations (pre-ins) via PM.
A couple of thoughts on circumventing convention.+ Show Spoiler +
Last year an all time low of a mere 40 games of forum mafia have been played on this site. That is unwarranted considering how the popularity of the pro scene of the cornerstone e-sport of this community has re-emerged. Generally speaking there is really no compelling reason not to play in at least a couple of games per year, if you frequent the forum anyway. The problem might be that the establishment does not foresee the demand of first timers to play among themselves, in fact it's pretty obviously that. The regulars are cool too, sometimes, but they can choke newcomer enthusiasm pretty fast by forcing their doctrine of how to play the game on you, and frankly there is no right way. The possibilities are endless and the potential to make a game enjoyable and win it while following its ruleset is best untamed. Fuck convention indoctrination proliferation. This shit ain't church motherfucker.. it's mafia, and I'm bringing its untainted essence back for your approval ladies and gentlemen, for your enjoyment. + Show Spoiler +
Actually this is the flavor theme for the second game, i.e. constructive criticism, as envisioned by the notorious revolutionist Race Bannon:
On December 20 2016 05:35 Race Bannon wrote: WHEN GAMES FAIL TO FILL + Show Spoiler +
On December 19 2016 09:44 Chezinu wrote:
Longest queue ever
Dear colleagues,
I believer we are experiencing a game depression. Personally, I have been in one of the longest queues to play in quite some time. As the holidays approach, the normal boost of members seems not to be occurring... If anyone has an explanation or an antidote, please reply.
No other subforum has such redundant use of sticky topics. All but the Library and the Database, which shouldn't be separate topics anyway, are superfluous. The Ban List and the Active Games List are at the mercy of fluctuating human availability, best replaced with wisdom of the crowd blacklisting, and a persistent blog post exclusively for hosts to advertise their upcoming games, respectively. First game-thread-up first serve basis. No need for a "manager", as hosts are assumed to be sufficiently intelligent to coordinate and avoid intersecting signup intervals, by themselves. New hosts should be given the benefit of the doubt and spared from going through the condescending process currently in place, as each new host will bump the blog (recurring hosts edit their posts accordingly when advertising new games, and spoiler results of concluded ones) and bring TL Mafia to the attention of other subforumites. Old guides should be linked prominently in the merged sticky and left to sink, whereas players with high bragon / eel highscores should feel encouraged to write new ones.
On October 21 2016 02:39 N0 wrote:ElementaryLiquidiaMafiaConcept a bannon mafia game quartet. Setup
4x15 persistent-player mini normal with identical open setup + [T] elements involving setting (here), editing (only one game post allowed), day/night phase duration, gradual scum conspiracy concept by conditioning private communication + Show Spoiler [details] +
scum are initially uninformed, 24 to 36 hours after the first dayphase I communicate the face-value bragon count (disregarding void PMs), for them to try and deduce their compadres. Come next dayphase they may PM me the name of someone they suspect to be one of them, so they may join a quicktopic together. If the compadre is the traitor, or a townie's name comes up then the solicitation for private communication remains denied, unless the traitor got shot by mafia and called upon a dayphase thereafter.
, hierarchy prioritization for mafia nightkills (godfather's vote for target counts as 2 and tie-braker, voyeur's as 1, goon's as 1, traitor's 0 until called to quicktopic, then 2) + Show Spoiler [superpowered] +
Passive: immune to investigation, 1-shot bulletproof, odd-day groundhog-day god (cannot be lynched on odd-numbered days). Active: even-night..
SK, Fruit Vending optional for all (exclusively limits active night action / voids mafia member's NK vote, target gets notified: "you've received a/n piece/s of fruit") and unorthodox votecount layout + Show Spoiler [.] +
Full setup: DT Doc odd-night Vigilante VT x 7 SK Mafia Godfather Mafia Traitor Mafia Voyeur Mafia Goon
coming soon
User was warned for this post
Peek-a-boo PS: I'll simultaneously run a clone of this game with regular admission as well, which is why I've announced it in the queue.OOoops, looks like we misplaced our feature preview presentation, and our affiliate who we know sent out a shitton of copies to a bunch of people is not available for contact. Sry fr.. oh. I know where I can copy it from. Yess!:
You've manage to leave out the most essential part of the Arcanon preview, the fact that it has a Moki-based-flavored, overpowered serial killer in it.
[N][0]Game Hosted by Race Bannon Prologue & Hype Trailer Placeholder:
[N][0]Liquidia Radio vs Starcraft Broodwar HD: Dimensional Quarantine Mafia vs Ascended,InfestedMoki SK
in 3d only on Voice-Forum Mafia Smartphones
Comming soonish?
I'm not sure what to think with regard to you fusing Moki with Gloria, exchanging the NJ perspectives to first person; and switching the link to my profile with a link to your blog but hey, good effort.
I absolutely love the TLP(){}}{)]{][] stuff.
There are easier ways on one hand, and more intuitive ones on the other to hotbind the gyration module of tHE Pact code, but none have been witnessed synergizing so elegantly when packaged into the canon flavor.