I started playing AE with my wife and it felt like starting a really well polished computer game, that teaches you the basic rules in a few minutes while instantly letting you know how much better you will be able to play once you get more experience. We played about 20 game so far (having a small kid and jobs this is a pretty huge chunk of our spare time) and we still love it. Yesterday I backed the standalone expansion and love the improvements (more cards, less deckbuilding).
With all the praise there are a few things that I would like to see improved:
- too little T1 basic nemesis cards. I can see that the start of the game shouldn't be too random but since all you always use all cards but one there the T1 deck is pretty much the same all the time.
- you should consider including sleeve protectors. Some decks (turn order, rageborn strike deck,..) need to be shuffled every few seconds and if those cards get markings it screws the game pretty heavily. A lot of my friends would not even know a think like sleeve protectors exist and I think the cost like nothing.
- Not sure if this is possible but maybe you can come up with something. Putting the game back in the box is always a bit of work anyways (if you put it in unsorted you will need an hour before you can play the next time). If there was a way to sort the game back in the box AND prepare the next game (assuming you know the number of players and the nemesis you want to play) so that when you are in the mood for a game you can start like right away. Setting up AE is rather easy (compared to something like Axis & Allies..) but for lazy parents like us it still feels like so much work that we end up not playing. Maybe I could figure this out myself, but as I said, lazy parents with little time :-)
Anyways, thank you very much for this game!