It's funny when I randomly run into these threads here and there. Yes, no matter what many will tell you, weed is not for everyone. My take on it is the more cognitively active you are, the more damaging could smoking become.
Same exact thing happened to me, and I am still feeling the effects, albeit a lot less. It wore off over the years. Just like another poster told you, it triggered anxiety for years to come. I stopped smoking in 2005. I wasn't able to do sports without feeling being on the brink of death for many years after that. Prior to that, I was very active - played soccer, ran cross-country and went out clubbing a lot. No social anxiety whatsoever - I was a normal teenager with many friends.
On the bright side, that made me seriously invest time into broodwar, and many unforgettable years followed. I wouldn't consciously make that trade though
On January 07 2017 12:03 castleeMg wrote: i smoked almost daily for the past 6-7 years and 3-4 years into smoking ive felt that exact feeling you described, shortness of breath, dizziness and kind of like an anxiety feeling it almost felt like i was dying, it was horrible tbh and only happened when i took large hits, it would affect me for 30 minutes - an hour then gradually wear off. i then bought a volcano (vaporizer) and i never seemed to get this awful feeling again, but now i am trying to stop or at least significantly reduce the amount i smoke. i don't like the vice it has on me as well as the money i spend on it
I never knew you were this gangster but now I know.
hi .. hope you feel better than when you wrote the original post 
There happens to be quantifiable/non subjective stuff that happens when you consume thc* (thc* : tetrahydrocanabinol, the molecule that gets you “high”).
Our body naturally produces hormones that accompany/generate/follow these episodes of "feeling good", these are called endorphins. The different triggers or levels are irrelevant, people are unique and suffice to say that we all react very differently to everything life has to offer (our own genetic design and what we are "confronted" within the course of our lives, in this case the thc molecule inhaled).
When you consume thc there is a production/release of endorphin in the body that accompanies it (the effect starts 7 to 30 seconds after inhaling it through the lungs (fastest drug to have an effect on the brain, by the way)) , so one could say that from a purely chemical point of view, inhaling thc is a "release endorphin on demand" button: you smoke and it makes your body produce/release endorphins that makes your body/self "feel good"...
“Many to most” people screw up their own ability to generate this endorphin "on their own" (without the thc catalyst) from prolonged use (all day/for years).. the more you use the more you screw up your body chemistry/ability to "self regulate hormonal functions".
The second quantifiable that "scientists" have measured/observed is that your brain creates neuro receptors/transmitters that sample everything you experience, and then those act “on their own”, in very different/varied ways depending on the product that it is related to / created from AND the person’s personal genetic make up. Those transmitters are active.. the “scientist pros" say that these are a unique place to study / understand what does make certain substances "addictive" to the point of making it a “problem”...
That your use brought on fear/feeling of illness incoming/whatever but bad, is quite common. It is not that you are more aware, it is that you are ALTERED (very few people are immune to thc) Being in this altered state (that is usually agreeable to feel, or no one would do it) is the knot of the affair.
While repeatedly high, you realize what you are (meat with bones/a soul/heart/an ant on a rock etc), how enormous what surrounds you is and how what is in you is.. infinite, possibly frightening.. or awesome … Obviously this also needs to be seen within a real life context/filter (how you are in your life besides that aspect: you "getting high”) and how it sets you within a particular social/political circles (for instance your consumption could stem from many different sources, your close friends could be for or against .. usually one has to hide/lie to survive as an addict so there is that too.. etc…). You realize what you are, what you think everything is.. because you are more relaxed, more in tune with “life”, more whatever or even less whatever...
50+ years ago, people used thc to open up their consciousness, it was “still” considered semi religiously or more precisely "alchemistic"! The set up was that you would be looking for something "other" and you would do it (consume) in a ceremony of sorts (with people looking over you) .. the dose would get you over the edge and when you would be back the idea was that you wouldn't need it anymore. Cut to now, consumption is like almost as bad as for sugar.. 2 or 3/5 teen has NOT tried it. Mostly it is a commerce, any "higher" level of awareness has been reduced to "first dose is free then you are hooked for good" sort of. This isn't what i'm typing about so i'll skip that issue but i hope you see where i was going, maybe?
About the "after" and your body's chemistry, it should be set back to normal in a few months after you stop completely, you should “feel” like you did before, if you don’t (AGAIN) do consult a doctor, angst/other shit is real and can possibly be “managed” easier if not ignored.. but that memory of the altered you might still be there to haunt you, possibly forever (and your liver and hair roots will still have thc in them when u die even if you never “indulge” ever again) .. this notwithstanding flashbacks .
About on and off: that is perhaps the most awful part .. the most unfair bit, some people will drop it and/or pick it back up easily and in fact will not incur what some feel when they re start. We are all surviving machines and we can go very far out of our "way" to fix ourselves a nest we think is “best” for ourselves, in the case of drugs it is a perhaps mostly a matter of biology/alchemy .. (“this strain of weed agrees with me" for instance or "about so and so grams a day and i wont forget to pick up the kids at school" .. as another less “fun” example).
Anyone "interested" should go online and type tetrahydrocanabinol, endorphin, addict or other words like that so you inform yourself on what i just vaguely outlined. Yes there are opposing camps on the issue, medical research has been going on for much longer than you would think and while you have to go through some really bad things, a lot that is out there is really eye opener! #Nothing beats information/knowledge!
You said you "felt" sick, did you consult?
Drugs are very varied and different, most people will profess that thc (hash / weed inhaled) is a kid’s drug and that everyone is bound to be on top of it.. i came here to say that is wrong and that this uncaring/ignorant stance is a big chunk of the issue in fact (and yes most users think that way and are part of the problem!).
What imakes every drug appealing is the very thing that makes it hard to stop/control them. But whereas 50 years ago, people “knew” about said drugs and it was a “big” deal to use them, now millions of addicts are left by themselves with strong life changing chemicals available everywhere with no care/perspective on them and with a taboo/shame around it to boot .. that is the problem, not the drugs themselves.
i do hope you (anyone interested in the subject matter) go to find YOUR answer and not let it lie as an afterthought, one does not need to consume any drug to have an “addictive/excessive/compulsive” behavior, one does not need to be an addict to have a friend / relative concerned and looking into it FOR REAL is the only way to start / get anywhere.
good luck
edit? self preservation