My last blog I was coming out of a pretty bad place. Right now, I feel like I'm in a really good place. I just released a novel, called The Gam3: Opening Moves. (Yes, I am sort of trying to sell out >.>, but the blog isn't about that!) Instead, I'd like to reflect on all that I've accomplished that I never thought possible.
A book is a big project, one that I don't think I would have ever managed to finish without the help of a community, like the one here at TL. I'm a regular on TL's now unofficial IRC channel, which might be as toxic as it's reputed to be (depending on whether or not your name is Haplo). Still, I want to say once more that I'm thankful for all the help people have given. If you want to chase your dreams, it's really best not to do it alone!
Secondly, I've managed to stay in school! This probably isn't as big of a deal (especially coming from an Asian family) but there were serious points at which I was considering leaving. I just wasn't sure what I was doing at school, and it wasn't until I realized that I was at school to learn, to actually try and figure things out, not play video games and not go to class, that I was able to not fail classes. I guess my last piece of advice is to figure out if your passion is really your passion, because without that you won't succeed.
So hello again, thanks for all the dreams! (Or is it memes?)
<3 Ephemerality