The problem was, I rose in my league, got 1300 Points and was ranked first, but after I played my placementmatch and lost to a cheeser-1-base-push I was placed in gold again. This feels so bad, I can not discribe how disappointed I was. I played heroes for a while then, to get my head clean and make sure, the grade of frustration does not grow into infinite, but every time I think of SC, I felt bad.
What really helps me to get back on playing was the GSL! First I saw ZEST, beating his opponent really well and move on to Code S and the most inspiring moment was Stork against Innovation. This BO5 was just amazing! Sadly I couldn't play alot this weekend, but after watching these games, I was pumbed to go back on that ladder and climb it up again. I mean: if Stork is "only a Coach" in his team but can still dominate one of the worlds best Terran pros, I can def. go back to diamond some day! Ok, it's Stork, but you get the idea. I just need to play more regularly and hope to get back the macro skills to surpass gold and platin.
Yesterday I played some really bad games, lost against canonrushes and tabing out against a HATCH IN MY BASE-play, but still, it felt good to play again and I'm really motivated to play starcraft, because of guys like stork and zest, who work on there playstyles so much. I don't know if anybody is interessted in this blog and my really bad english, but I will post some more reports of my "carrierstatus" in the future. It's just for fun so don't be root. ;-)
Thanks for reading and feel free to post your opinion in the comments. If you wanna have some traingmatches against me, I'm on EU server, mid gold right now. Just PM me.
Ryuujin aka Simon