When I came in for band class today I found out that our double bass player got expelled the day before, naturally I asked around my section and was consistently denied an answer out either of fear of spreading the word to other students, respect for the victim or because I wouldn't like the answer. In the time between my classes I walked by My friend, lets call her Kate for privacy and asked if she knew how XXXX got expelled considering that she hangs out with him on occasion. She leans in and says "Yeah, he raped me"
I just stood there i didn't know what to say or what to do.....I just stood there and stared and caught her eye one more time she turned to leave and I realized something. The poor girl had probably been crying all night, her eyes and the area around them we're all red.
I was demoralized for the rest of the day. I have no idea how to help, what should I do?