StarCraft 2’s Best Days Are Still Ahead
Blogs > JeffKim |
Korea (South)36 Posts
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Finland7871 Posts
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Canada10681 Posts
Where do you get the notion that the community is tight-knit? It seems like a warm fuzzy feeling but the SC2 communities are torn. Big figures have left the scene entirely, people are constantly complaining about SC2 dying, I myself share that concern and all my friends have stopped watching. To me and to many others, though the game may or may not be dying, one thing is clear, the golden era is behind us, and although you can define a game's peak in multiple ways, I can't imagine a future brighter than its past for SC2. I understand that you're still able to get enjoyment out of that game, perhaps now more than ever but you make no argument for SC2 at large. You say that the best days are still ahead and then nothing you say actually actually substantiates your prediction. 1- The community is tight-knit (I disagree, you yourself say that the good comments are obscured by what you call a "vocal minority", yet the decline of the game suggests that it's not such a small minority) 2- The game is old and has history (why and how does that suggest a bright future? FFS man, your blog post on or whatever has a photo of Day9 casting at an event, the guy is gone) 3- The game brought Korean culture to the west (not really, not any more than SCBW, but that does nothing to suggest that the better days are ahead) 4- You've redefined the term "dying" so that it doesn't apply to SC2's situation. Even if SC2 is not dying and we want to avoid that term, declines rarely indicate anything good. You have to convince me that there is something special about SC2 that'll make it thrive despite decline. That is HARD to do. 5- There is still money in e-sports (but SC2's share is less than substantial) 6- Starcraft II was in a poor state at release (it had novelty driving it though) 7- Starcraft II had a poor competitive scene at release and no money (so did other games, but they've grown since then) 8- The community has plateaued (We'll see about that. Still, no indication that a game with a stagnating viewerbase is heading toward a new golden age) I agree that Starcraft II still has the potential to continue to be a memorable experience for you and for dozens of others for years to come. However, I don't think you've raised anything that would justify a prediction that its best days are ahead of it. The game has gotten better by most standards, but it's still an old game with few avenues for growth. The way I see it, the incentives to play and get good at the game are on their way out. With fewer viewers, the overall prize pool will go down despite the very controversial effort by Blizzard which I would consider to be a last-ditch attempt to revitalize a game in the conventional way. It'll be harder and harder to make a living off of SC2, so people won't be able to practice as much. I think you have basic economics going against you. So tell me, what makes SC2 more likely to thrive as fewer people play it? Because looking at the trends, what I'm seeing in SC2's future is a niche. That is not irrelevant or bad, don't get me wrong, but why would it be reasonable to call that cool little corner of e-sports the "best days" of the game? | ||
483 Posts
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United States3392 Posts
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Korea (South)36 Posts
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Canada10681 Posts
Cheers! | ||
Korea (South)36 Posts
On February 04 2016 04:55 Djzapz wrote: I'll take your advice into account 100%. I took a two year break from e-sports for university and this is my first piece since I left. Thank you so much for reading it.Well thank you for your write up. I think that your article/blog post speaks more about the past than the future, and you could've stayed more true to the title by being more explicit about why you think those assets and that history might lead to a brighter future. An article with that title should be a bit more overt about being argumentative, and about wanting to convince readers. Cheers! | ||
Canada16278 Posts
The big problem is the age bracket i mentioned has no interest in mastering QWERTY keyboard finger gymnastics. That keyboard is no longer the dominant information input method for their age group. its over. ATVI knows all this stuff and they won't hesitate to pull the plug. imo, DB, DK, and Blizz did a great job with the SC2 trilogy. Its impressive how far Blizz took the genre. | ||
France17333 Posts
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Korea (South)36 Posts
On February 04 2016 06:41 OtherWorld wrote: This is exactly the type of condescending post which add to the negativity. Can't win in a lose-lose mindset.I would like to live in your 2016. I guess in it there are no terrorism nor financial crisis nor epidemics nor far-right movements, right? | ||
12251 Posts
Fun to watch and play. Last game code a games were great and lotv consistently produce intense game. So for me personally the future is already here. | ||
Netherlands4921 Posts
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France17333 Posts
On February 04 2016 09:08 JeffKim wrote: This is exactly the type of condescending post which add to the negativity. Can't win in a lose-lose mindset. Well, I come from a country where we were persuaded of having the best army in the world in 1939. So apparently you can lose in a win-win mindset too. | ||
Korea (South)9172 Posts
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France1478 Posts
sc2 be "back cuddled back in with sc soon! (a year or two) ergo: in our hands!!!! then and only then will it be allowed to bloom properly! While the numbers are not to some people 's idea/level of a a success standard.. there are a lot of people streaming it right now (0/10 viewers streamers) .. that seems like a great sign to me ! ps: our hands = people who love starcraft and rts in general and want sc2 to be all it can be! not remain a failed unfinished one off! | ||
Korea (South)36 Posts
On February 04 2016 22:28 Scarecrow wrote: A great attitude.The Onion could use writers like you On February 07 2016 11:30 fluidrone wrote: Thanks for reading, I agree completely. Good to hear some large personalities agreeing with the basis of my piece recently, especially Tastosis.Agreed with the tittle.. will read op and thread tomorrow (and edit back in thoughts if any)) sc2 be "back cuddled back in with sc soon! (a year or two) ergo: in our hands!!!! then and only then will it be allowed to bloom properly! While the numbers are not to some people 's idea/level of a a success standard.. there are a lot of people streaming it right now (0/10 viewers streamers) .. that seems like a great sign to me ! ps: our hands = people who love starcraft and rts in general and want sc2 to be all it can be! not remain a failed unfinished one off! | ||
France16890 Posts
if we take traditional sport in comparison, sports don't need to be at a football level of audience to be relevant and interesting (that's in fact the case of most of the sport out there) i'm fine with starcraft 2 not being in the spotlight as csgo/lol/dota the previous game i quoted will face soon or later a moment where they won't growth more also | ||
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