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After my morning routine I took my two biggest fans (Mother and Grandma) out to breakfast at the Ihop. Had me a nice T-bone steak and eggs with strawberry crepes. Got to get those crabs in for energy ^ ^ Got both their blessings and exchanged our good byes.
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Didn't have to head to the casino for medical checks and rules meeting til 4pm so went home to relax and get my mind right while watching some Magic The Gathering on twitch (SCG Open Columbus). Going through music choices for my entrance, I found myself going back to an old favorite of mine.
Following a short nap my fiancée returned home from work with her girlfriend to give me a ride to the Winriver Casino event center. Standard medical check, rule meeting before going over fight orders and placements then it was back to hurry up and wait. At the start of the show they had all fighters enter the ring for face offs. The event center was completely sold out and the crowd was loud as hell, it was kind of unnerving for a moment. Once my name was announced the place went fucking insane, surprisingly I could still pick out quite a few individual voices from the otherwise incoherent roar of cheers. Once all face offs were done and some other announcements were made we all headed back up to the staging room to get our wraps signed off and start warming up.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/yVg7wqr.jpg)
Hands wrapped and signed off, did some light pad work and drills to warm up. As the second fight of the night I didn't have to wait long before it was time to put all those early mornings and late nights training into action, finally stepping into the cage. My music blasts over the speakers as the announcer calls my name the place erupts as I walk down the hall way and out to the arena. I take my time and soak it in while trying to clear my mind and focus on the task at hand, not the most successfully. Nerves started hitting me hard and before I even climbed those steps I felt myself growing heavy and tired but the words of the great Taylor Swift rang out in my head and it was time to get down to business.
Full fight break down and official fight videos to be released within the week. For more pictures and videos from the fights check out my
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