Headache prediction: ShangHai Major, are we going to eat shit in front of our door?!
> yes yes yes
> I'm so used to eating shit
> at least I don't have to stay up eating this shit
> teams are throwing to let western's guard down, then take a month off vacation playing RPG, then eat the shit
After watching the strategy of secret, EG, and OG, I want to ask...
Western doto all kinds of new strats and playstyles, and mostly they practiced in pubs
What strategy did the Chinese team actually practice?
Poll: Chinese teams were practicing...
streaming (5%)
practice useless, innate talent all the way (2%)
practiced magnus and alchemist (3%)
didn't fucking practice r u kidding me lmao (90%)
> ""I practice your MOM"" --chuan (x10)
Headache: Do you want to watch western daddys high level doto or want to watch CN nub chickens pecking at each other
Poll: I want to watch...
western daddies: Frankfurt major was the best dota I've watched (90%)
chinese lame chickens: Gave me such a heart ache and made me eat shit fuck (10%)
> Just EE double rapier game is amazing, other games are pretty meh tbh (x5)
VG wechat showing Super watching replays after the tournament, what can he be doing?!?!
Poll: What can possibly be going on?!
This means Super is actually hardworking (2%)
This means Super is still a tard, didn't know why he lost BP (1%)
This means Super got blamed by teammates, watching to prove he wasn't at fault (5%)
This means Super is watching if Burning is the worst player, and contemplating using their sub (91%)
> YJ (the sub): Burning you go solo mid, I'll carry you! (x5)
[Strategy] Half Genius, Half Retard. Jacky . Mao
Poll: What is he?!
Divinities of heaven reincarnate (9%)
Demon from hell (91%)
Only retard when getting dizzy (psy-duck reference)
Isn't he the rare retard type Pokemon that's so rare? (x20)
After watching OG's alchemist ...
Spanking radiance rush alch's ass
Solo killing antimage every minute!
Alchemist is best hero on Super? (ayeee llmao)
Poll: Are you not foaming at the mouth at this alch?!
Foaming (91%)
Not Foaming (9%)
> Difference between 7k and 8k mmr
> No no no, please, you listen to me. Chinese style is the most optimal (20x)
Headache! In Dota isn't the most face-hurt boy genius RTZ?
Type number for:
1. Going to Puppey daddy gets bitch slapped by EG
2. Going to EG and gets bitch slapped by Puppey
3. RTZ is cancer!
4. R(O)TZ
> Zai cleverly avoids disaster by going to school
> R O T Z (x 10)
CN doto revival needs to make LGD style GTFO
do not practice for fake tournaments (non-TI), only practice 3 months a year. LGD is the cancer of CN dota must remove in 1 cut!
LGD is the cancer of cn dota, cut! (7%)
fake tournament dog gtfo from here! (85%)
> 猴哥猴哥,你真了不得 (x20)
+ Show Spoiler [context] +
From Suzoku via /r/DotA2/
猴哥 is one of the famous bandwagoners on sg. What makes him special is that everytime he supports a team, the team will start having issues and drop off in terms of performance. So the joke here is the sgers praising him for fucking up a team
Complaint: This EE ember which one in China can compare?
How can ember be this kickass!?
> The last double rapier ember (430) is already at home playing CS (x20)
> Luckily BaBaBev is young, he can catch up on ember
Dream Team? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Dream My Fucking Ass!
post gist:
Kept trying to make the dream team after a loss, are you kidding me lmao
After TI4, rtz / zai leave EG. EG picks up AUI and Sumail. Who thought they're the dream team?
After TI5, secret disbands, finds EE and Misery from C9, finds 2nd rate retiree PLD, finds W33 which nobody knew. Who thought they're the dream team?
Just wait until some team starts to do well, then everyone just go Oh shit dream team! Let's have one too!
Let me say something from the bottom of my heart:
Make dream team my fucking ass!!!
Conversely let's look at the supposed dream team.
Secret of last year, RT-chiken and Zai-chicken got pounded by old EG teammates, barely makes it to top 8.
DK 2014, my fucking god, Asian dream team, CN doto renaissance, gets send to the airplane by the very people Burning kicked.
Everyone of you just kept dreaming some dream team instead of practice, what a joke
RT-Zhicken try to make dream team, shame! (3%)
Burning try to make dream team, shame! (3%)
Dream team my ass, bunch of trash huddling to make warm (94%)
> s a v a g e (x10)
Headache, discuss: Does burning even know how to play antimage?!
Type number for:
1. Yes, just wrong team composition
2. No, Meta is gone
> Fuck you storm spirit nerf!
> coming up next: Does RTZ know how to play dota?