![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/dm0s4mD.png)
I added 5 more heroes, so we can see top 15. It's clear which are the top heroes during this event, that's why I hope when playoffs start we will se some fancy new strats from the teams.
Some quick notes:
- Doom managed to win some matches today, which makes his WR goes up but not even close to be "the most op hero in the patch". Have teams prepared for doom?
- Look at that Undying WR, 1st place during group stage. Is Undying the answer to doom? (bad death-wording joke).
- Another hero having a very bad event is Dazzle... poor guy, it helped me win so much matches in pubs.
- QoP and Undying are leading the ban increase when you compare it to the patch.
Well, hope you enjoy it!